Chapter 2

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Luke's POV

The rest of the week proceeded as normal, I went to school, had practice with the guys, and did schoolwork. There was nothing out of the ordinary... until I woke up on Saturday morning. When I woke up I saw light coming in through the curtains in my school, and felt rested. I looked over at my alarm clock that read '9:14', and that's when I felt it... I moved my butt around around feeling the wetness that was below me. I jumped up out of my bed and tripped over the covers that came with me, landing on my bottom with a loud 'thunk'. That's when my mom banged my bedroom door open, "Oh my goodness, Lucas! Are you okay?" I just stared up at her. She looked at my bed, then to me tangled up in my comforter sitting on the floor. I just stared down at the floor in shame and she walked over to me. "Oh baby, it's alright. We knew this was going to start happening sooner or later, hm?" I continued staring at the ground as tears began to prick my eyes and I mumbled, "Yeah, but not this soon..." "Oh honey, there's no timeline on this. Your body is going to start to react when it seems fit, and the hormones begin to kick in. Just like puberty, hm?" I looked up at her with my tears threatening to fall, what she was saying made sense, and we had learned about the change in biology, but I didn't want to hear it. I just wanted to keep my adult status in the world. "I guess," I began, "but that doesn't mean I have to like it. It also doesn't mean I have to actually give in to it." "Oh hun, you can't fight your body. This is just a part of you, and what makes you uniquely Luke." I nodded, looking back down still fighting the tears and still not wanting to accept what she was saying. "Why don't you go get those wet clothes off, while I clean up your bed, hm? I bet a nice shower will help you feel better." I slowly nodded getting myself untangled from the comforter and walking into the bathroom, I peeled my yuc-, I mean gross, pajama pants off of me. I threw them in a heap on the bathroom floor with my soaked underwear and t-shirt, getting in to shower. I hear my mom open my bathroom door, "Honey, I'm just going to grab your wet clothes so they don't start to smell in your hamper, okay?" I cringed when she said 'wet clothes', "K, thanks, Mom." "Of course hun." I hear her shut the bathroom door and I start to slowly let the tears fall from my eyes as the water cascades down my body. I only cried for a moment before I stopped myself, I've been doing a lot of crying this week and it needed to stop. I began to wash myself and my hair as I thought about what my -*cringe*- wet bed meant... It meant that I was going to start losing my body hair, the bed-wetting would probably get worse, and given my little age I would lose control of my bladder, and potentially bowels -ughhhhh- when regressed. I really hoped that it didn't mean I couldn't use the bathroom while I was still big... but who knows what'll happen. I had done extensive reading on my little space age since finding out how to prepare myself, and it didn't have completely clear answers. It seemed that everybody was a little different, which made sense. 

I continued thinking for a while longer before finally turning the water off wrapping a towel around my waist and going into my room, I saw my unmade bed and tried to ignore why the bed sheets and mattress protector were off, and went over to my closet. I put on my boxer briefs, picked out some comfy sweat shorts, and a simple t-shirt. I went downstairs to find my mom reading her book on the couch, and I went into the kitchen making myself a bowl of cereal and going to sit next to her. She looked up at me and gave a sympathetic smile. "Hey hun, how was the shower? I put all of your stuff in the washer." "Thank you, it was good," I said eating my cereal. "How are you doing, Luke? We haven't talked about this since you got your classification on Monday." "I'm alright... just... trying to figure out how to cope with all of this..." "That's completely understandable. So, regarding the wet bed... I think we should maybe look into getting you some... protection, just so we don't have to wash sheets every morning?" "Mom! What the hell! It was only one time!" "Hey, do not yell at me, young man. I was simply stating a fact, you know that now this has started it will only begin to progressively get worse over time. I am trying to help you." I took a deep breath in and blew it out, looking up at the ceiling, she was trying to help I just didn't want that yet... "I'm sorry, I know you're just trying to help. I just... I don't think I'm ready for that yet." "Lucas, I understand, this IS a lot for you. But hun, don't you want to wake up in a dry bed?" "Mom, I guess. But we don't even know if it's going to keep happening yet, what if this was just a one-off?" "Okay, Luke. I will reason with you... When you have three wet beds, we will have this discussion again, okay?" "Alright Mom, deal," I said walking into the kitchen and putting my bowl in the sink. I walked over to the front door and pulled on my trainers, "Is it okay if I walk to Ethan's house? We were gonna hang today." "Of course, baby. Just keep your phone on you. I also won't be home tonight, okay? I have to work." "Okay, sounds good. Thank you! Love ya, see you later," I said grabbing my house key and walking out the front door. 

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