Chapter 5

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Henry's POV

Luke and I were lying on the couch cuddling watching his puppy show, which I learned was called 'Paw Patrol'. He was so content sucking his paci, laying on me as I ran my fingers through his hair. I eventually felt him go limp after a little while, looking down I saw that he was asleep. I smiled down at the smaller boy and couldn't believe that this was my life at the moment. I couldn't image doing anything else. 

A few minutes later I carefully maneuvered myself out from under Luke and he curled up on the couch by himself, I couldn't help but coo at him and look at him in wonder. I quickly went to the bathroom and returned to the living room, looking at my phone I saw that it was almost 9:30, so Ms. Zimmer should be home shortly. I decided I should probably try to move Luke upstairs because I didn't think his mother could pick him up. He was only about 5'6, but was fairly muscular from sports so he's solid. I picked him up feeling the squish of a wet pull-up. I realized he must've had another accident, and decided to change him once I got him upstairs. I knew if I didn't he would leak if he had another accident during the night, which I felt was more likely to happen than not. 

Once upstairs I laid Luke on his bed and made my way over to his closet. I started to grab a new pull-up, but then I thought about how much he soaked the one he was wearing. I shifted my gaze to the unopened package of diapers and decided to put one of those on him instead, hoping that he wouldn't be upset with me if he was big the next morning. I quickly and carefully removed his pajama pants, ripped open the sides of the pull-up, wiped him down, and then placed the new diaper underneath him. I had just finished pulling his pants up when I heard the front door of the house open. I carefully tucked Luke into his bed and handed him his stuffed elephant, thinking that I should get him a new friend as I closed his door and made my way downstairs.

Walking down the stairs I saw Ms. Zimmer at the front door taking her shoes off, "Hi, Ms. Zimmer. I'm Henry, one of-" "Oh hello! Henry, I remember you, dear. You've played ball with Lucas since elementary school." I chuckled, "Yes, that would be me. I just wanted to let you know that I just put Luke to bed. We were watching Paw Patrol and he fell asleep. Um-I also wanted to tell you that I put him in a diaper, I hope that's okay. I saw the package wasn't open, but he had another accident while we were watching TV, and I just didn't feel like another pull-up would be able to hold up overnight." "Oh, of course, Henry. That's what they're there for! And you are a caregiver, after all, those thoughts and instincts are just being put to use." "Okay awesome," I said with a sigh of relief as I followed Ms. Zimmer who was making her way into the kitchen. "Was there anything else you needed to know before I head home?" I asked her. "Oh, yes, actually, dear," Ms. Zimmer started. "I was wondering, was there something specific that made him drop? Or was it completely random?" "Oh, we had just gone to the park because we were hanging out. I think that seeing all the other little ones playing on the playground made him slowly fall into his head space. Because I started pushing him on the swings and when he jumped off he fell, and he started crying. I'm not sure if he was already little before he fell, or if falling caused him to drop." I explained. "Okay, sounds good sweetheart. Thank you for letting me know, and thank you for looking out for my boy. It settles my mind knowing that Lukey has good friends that will help look out for him, even when he's small." I felt a small bit of pride knowing that I could help Ms. Zimmer feel a little at least, "Of course, anytime. I'll always look out for Luke. If you ever need some help or he needs someone to play with I'm always willing to help." Ms. Zimmer smiled at me as she was walking me out, "Thank you so much, Henry. You are going to make a fantastic caregiver to someone someday." "Thank you, ma'am." I smiled at Ms. Zimmer and waved as she closed the door to the house. 

I made the short drive home and went up to my room. Getting myself ready for bed and climbing in, I was just thinking about Luke and what his mom said. "Fantastic caregiver to someone..." I'm hoping that I could make Luke my little someday in the near future... and, if he'll have me, a boyfriend as well. 

Luke's POV

I woke up in my bed and immediately the memories of last night flooded into my head. I realized that I had dropped for the first time... and it was in front of Henry. When we were on our first date. I feel mortified as everything that happened came to me. I'm lying in my bed thinking of the events when I see my bedroom door open and my mom pokes her head in, "Oh, you're awake! How are you feeling sweetheart?" She questioned. "I'm okay," I said with my speech slightly slurred as I realized I was still sucking my paci. My face slightly heats as realize that I didn't even notice that it was still in my mouth, but not embarrassed enough to take it out. "Okay, baby. Do you need any help getting ready this morning, are you feeling big?" My mom was asking as she made her way to my bed, sat next to me, and began brushing my hair on my forehead back. I just shrugged in response. "Well, let me see what I can do. Let's check that diaper before anything else." She began pulling the covers off of me as I thought how odd it was she called my pull-up a diaper. I remember Henry helping me get dressed last night after my shower and I know it was a- my thoughts are halted when I see the diaper, which is very obviously soaked, fastened to my waist. I start to feel tears prickle my eyes, "Mooom! Why would you do dat to me," I cried around my paci. "Sweetheart, I didn't do anything to you. Henry put you in a diaper when he carried you up to bed because he said you had already wet your pull-up when you fell asleep on the couch. He just didn't want you to have another accident and wake up in a puddle, and, by the looks of it, he was correct in doing so." I continued to cry as my mom removed my -ugh- diaper, and wiped me down. I saw her holding a pull-up as well. "Mommyy, nooo. I a big boyyy!" "Lukey, I know. You're such a big boy. But Mommy just wants to make sure my big boy is protected today. Just in case, okay? Can you do that for Mommy?" I continued to sniffle and cry as I nodded at her. I was forcefully sucking on my paci as she pulled the pull-up up my legs and up around my waist. She sat me up and put some of my boxer briefs on over the pull-up, "This is to help hold your pull-up up if you have an accident," I whined as she mentioned that, "and to help them stay hidden, okay?" I nodded, "Tank you, mommy." " Of course, baby." 

Once I was changed my mommy helped me get dressed into some cozy sweat shorts and a t-shirt. I went to brush my teeth, and when I came back from the bathroom I noticed my made bed with Ellie sitting in between my pillows. I was now holding my pacifier as I watched my mom pack a few pull-ups in my backpack. I was nervous about wearing a pull-up to school and the possibility of having an accident was making it worse. I put my paci back in my mouth for comfort and remembered that today was Friday, as we had a scrimmage today after school. I saw my football bag in the corner of my room and realized it was already packed. My mom must've done that for me too. She handed me my backpack and I grabbed my football bag as I followed my mom downstairs. "Do you want some cereal real quick?" she asked me. I nodded as I set my stuff down. She handed me a bowl of cereal and a sippy cup of juice. I looked at her as I took my paci out and whined, "Mooom I'm a big boy." "Sweetie, that's just to make sure you don't spill it's just a cup with a lid." I decided to not argue with her and just nodded. I ate quickly and just as I finished my juice I saw a message from Ethan that he was here to pick me up. I hugged my mom before I left, "Thank you, Mommy. Love you." "Of course, baby. That's what mommies are for. I love you too. Do you want to take your paci with you today?" She questioned referencing the pacifier I left next to my breakfast dishes. I shook my head and she said, "Okay, sweetheart. Have a good day, okay? I'll see you after your scrimmage." I nodded, "Okay Mom. I'll see you tonight." As I walked out to the car I was just hoping that today would be a good day, and our scrimmage would go as planned. 

Word Count: 1661


Sorry for the shorter chapter, and long time between updates! It's the end of the semester for me and I have a HUGE workload! But, the semester is almost over! I will, hopefully, be more consistent with updates in the next week or so. This semester ends on May 8th, so then I will have a lot more free time to write and progress more into this story! Thank you, and I hope everyone is enjoying it so far!

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