Chapter 4

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Luke's POV

The next few days of school went fairly well, and I hadn't had any more accidents yet. I thought that maybe I was successfully delaying some of the regression. Our football practices were going amazingly, as usual. We were getting ready for our first scrimmage on Friday night, the whole team was stoked. We were in the locker room after practice on Wednesday getting changed out to head home, but I was never a fan of showering at the school. I just got all of my stuff together and was chilling on the bench waiting for Ethan to be done showering when, "Hey man, I'm already headed home if you wanna ride?" Henry says to me. "I-ummm..." "Hey! That's a great idea, thanks Henry! Hey, Luke, I gotta go pick some stuff up for my mom at the store when I get done showering anyway, and Henry lives a couple of doors down from me. Thanks for the offer, Henry." Ethan chimes in. "Oh, well in that case, yeah. I think that would be okay." I say to Henry. "Awesome, and of course guys! Let's get going, Luke!" I grab my bags and follow Henry out to his truck, and we pile all of our bags in the backseat and I climb into the passenger seat next to Henry. "Hey, really, thank you for offering to give me a ride home." "Oh, it's no problem! You know that I'm just around the corner. And you owe me a hang out anyways." My face started to turn red, "Oh, you were for real about that?" "Yeah, of course, why wouldn't I be?" "I-uh-I don't know, I thought that maybe you were just saying that like how some people do to be nice." "Um-no," Henry said laughing. "I don't usually tell people I was to then out with them or get to know them if I don't mean it." "Ohhh okay, well what exactly did you have in mind?" "Well, I was just hoping to get to know you. If that's okay? We could just go to the park, or get some food. Obviously not right now, but maybe after we shower and everything? Of course, if you can?" "I-yeah- I think that should be okay. I'll just double-check with my mom, but I think it should be okay." "Alright!! Awesome! I'm looking forward to it," Henry said as we pulled up to my house. "Do you want me to come pick you up, and we can get some dinner?" "Yeah! That would be great." "Alright-Oh! Here, give me your number," Henry said handing me his phone. "And I'll text you when I'm headed back over." "Okay, sounds good!" I put my number in Henry's phone and got out of the car and headed into my house. My mom was working tonight, so I shot her a quick text making sure it was okay that I hung out with Henry for a little bit and headed upstairs to get cleaned up. As I took my clothes off I realized there was a wet spot on my underwear, I was super confused since I didn't feel anything and started to feel a little worried. My head was starting to feel a little weird too, but I just shook it off peeing quick, and then hoping in the shower. 

As I was picking out my clothes to wear on this... what was this situation, actually? Is it a date, or just a hang out to get to know a teammate better? I'm not sure, I just need to feel out the vibes I guess... As I was finishing getting ready I contemplated putting a pull-up, but decided against it because I haven't been having any other problems lately. Once I was dressed I went downstairs with my shoes and decided to wait for a text from Henry in the living room. I put the TV on and saw that there was a little dog show on the TV, I watched it a little bit until my phone chimed and I saw a message from 'Maybe: Henry Clarke' "Hey, it's Henry! I'm on the way over!" I sent back a quick, "Okay!" I turned the TV off, decided to go to the bathroom really quick, and then went outside to wait for Henry. He pulled up shortly after and I climbed back into the passenger seat of his truck. "Hey!" I said. "Hi, how was the shower?" "It was great, how about you?" "It was fantastic, you look nice, by the way." "Oh thank you," I responded. "So do you." It felt odd being complemented since I was just wearing a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. But I kinda liked it. We drove into town and went to Chick-fil-A to grab some dinner. We decided to just take it to go and eat at the park. 

When we arrived at the park Henry parked his truck and we headed to find a picnic table to eat our food together. We found a nice table right next to the playground, I watched in wonder as I saw other littles playing with no worries in the world. I wanted to be happy like that... Henry noticed me looking at the littles, "They're pretty cute, huh?" "What- oh the littles? Yeah, they are pretty cute. They look like they're having fun." "You could go play too-if you want?" "Oh-I-uh... I'm not little?" "Luke, there's-uh... there's something I have to tell you..." I looked at him, with my eyes widened, afraid of what he would say next. "Okay...." "I uh... I saw you running back to your house when you were.... having an accident..." I went red in the face and looked down... I couldn't believe that he saw that.. is that why he wanted to get together? To tell me that he didn't want littles on his team? I felt some tears go down my face... "So I-uh-I guess you figured out I lied, huh? Is that why you wanted to get together tonight? Are you going to kick me off the team?" Henry looked at me with an appalled expression on his face, "Oh-geez- No! Of course not! There is no discrimination on our team, Luke! I wanted... I wanted to ask you out because I want to get to know you better. I like you, and I have something to tell you... I actually got given the wrong test results. When I told all of you I was a dom, it was because that's what the paperwork I was given said. But the people who put the results in our envelopes messed up and gave me Henry Keller's results by accident. My real results are caregiver." I looked at him with astonishment. I couldn't believe the words that he was saying. An overwhelming feeling just washed over me and I slowly started to cry. I looked up at Henry, "...really?" I sniffled, "Is that really true? Or are you just messing with me?" "Oh, Luke, no I'm not. I'm-I'm so sorry that I said that to you like that... maybe confronting you wasn't the best idea. But I thought that my caregiver senses had been pinging you as a little since last school year, and I-I was just kind of hoping that we could try and see if we would work together. Of course-uh-only if you're into that. I'm not really sure if you're into guys, and I know you're a little but that doesn't you want me and-" "Henry, yes. Of course, I would love for you to be my potential caregiver, and we can definitely date as well. I-uh-I actually have a bit of a crush on you for a while," I said blushing. "Waittt, really! Awwwe, me too." Henry said, causing us to start laughing together. "I just thought that maybe you were straight and I didn't want to go for it, and then when I heard you were a dom I just knew there was no hope." "Lucas! I have been trying to flirt with you for ages! And to be honest, I was a little bummed when you said you were a neutral and I was a dom, but I was pretty excited when I found out I was given the wrong person's results. Then, I saw you running back to your house and I was really happy because that meant that the feelings I've been toward you weren't off." "Well, you weren't" I said chuckling. We began eating our food again since we completely abandoned it when we started having this conversation. "So, uh, if you don't mind me asking-what your little space age range, and how low have you dropped?" "Oh-I... I actually haven't dropped at all yet, just having a few signs... but my classification test said that my little age was from 1-3 years old..." "Oh, wow! You can drop pretty little then, huh?" "I-um- I guess so... is that a problem?" "Oh, of course not, Luke. I was just... saying that. Sorry. Do you have any little space items yet?" "I do... my mom got me some stuff. Just some onesies, a paci, a sippy cup, a bottle... that's all I really know." "Okay! That's cool! I was just curious." I nodded my head at him as we kept eating. 

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