Chapter 6

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Luke's POV

The ride to school was uneventful with Ethan, he didn't even bring up anything about Henry taking me home yesterday. I'm assuming he must have forgotten because I know he would've been all over that if he didn't. When we arrived at school Ethan parked and we made our way to the courtyard entrance. Tanner and Charlie are standing next to each other chatting when we walk up. "Hey guys! Ready for the first scrimmage of the year!" Tanner said enthusiastically. All the other guys responded with some 'whoops!" and "hell yeah's!" I smiled and nodded, just not feeling like myself today. The guys continued with their conversation as I stood there chiming in with little comments here and there, but my brain was more focused on thinking about dropping the night before. I couldn't believe how easily I slipped into a young headspace like that... It made me start to wonder if I would at a game, or in front of the whole school, in the middle of class, in public, in moments when I needed to be an adult... 

I wasn't sure how long I was spaced out in my own thoughts, but the next thing I knew Henry was standing next to me and bringing me back to reality. "Earth to Luke," my head snapped to Henry. "What's on your mind?" Henry looked at me inquisitively. I glanced up at him, then to the ground, and shrugged. I could feel his eyes on me and I knew I was worrying him, but I didn't know how to vocalize what I was thinking without wanting to cry. I also remembered that all of our friends were standing directly around us, I didn't really want to draw any attention to myself either, so I pulled out my phone and typed out, 'I want to have a private discussion about what I'm thinking later,' and quickly sent it to Henry. I saw him glance at his phone, and read my message, then he nodded at me and gave me a small smile. I softly smiled back, thankful he didn't pressure me into anything. A few minutes later the first-period bell rang, so we all dispersed to our respective classes. 

Throughout the morning I could barely pay attention in my classes. The whole day my brain's capacity went to worrying about the potential of dropping down the age of a young toddler. I couldn't imagine exposing that to my classmates, and what everyone could possibly say about me? The absolute worst outcomes were running rampant in my head. I continued to go through the motions of my day and was walking to my second class, and that's when I felt someone grad my arm. I gasped and looked to as I pulled into the empty hallway, it was Henry. Figures. "Hey, darling. How are you?" Henry asked. I shrugged, "I'm alright. I just have a lot on my mind right now... I'm so sorry about last night..." I looked down in embarrassment and wrapped my arms around myself. I was really upset this morning about Henry putting me in a diaper last night, but the more I've thought about it today the more I've realized that I'm extremely embarrassed that I couldn't stop myself from acting that way. Inside I know that being a little is apart of my biology, but I just wanted to be an adult. I could feel a couple tears start to spring in my eyes, when Henry put his hand under my chin and raised my head to look back at him. "Lucas, you have nothing to apologize for. Last night was absolutely amazing." I was shocked, "Really? But, I was a literal toddler for most of the night... and I had an accident... and you had to change me into a pull-up, and then a diaper. And you had to carry me to bed, and watch cartoons with me, and-" I was starting to spiral when Henry interrupted, "Hey, hey, hey, calm down! You've been overthinking this WHOLE thing, Luke. There is nothing wrong with what happened last night, sure I wasn't expecting it," Henry shrugged. "But there is nothing I would change about our time together. You're adorable when you're little, and I was hoping you would have me around again. You have to remember Luke, I'm a caregiver and you're a little. You need to have little days and moments to stay healthy, and go into a deep regression. Just like I need to care for littles for my health. This is how we were designed and made." I just looked at Henry in awe, I couldn't believe Henry's reaction to me being a little. My tears started to fall as I smiled at Henry and wrapped my arms around him, and he held me as I cried into his chest for a few minutes. 

Henry was softly rubbing my back when I finally let all my tears out, I looked up at him. "Thank you, Henry. And you're right. This is just who we were designed to be. Nobody can help their biology. I just think that I need some time to get used to this new me. I know that there are going to be lots of changes, and I'm extremely scared. I'm afraid that I'm going to be treated differently, that these results may make me feel like less an adult for sure. I'm afraid everyone is going to quit respecting me, or what if our teammates don't want me on the team anymore?" "Oh, darling. Those fears are definitely valid, but you are going to still be the same Luke you've always been. Sure, some things are going to change occasionally, but overall when you're not in little space you're still going to be an adult. You can still do the same things you've always done, just maybe with some accommodations. You're also not alone, you have me and Ethan and your mom. Plus, I bet when you let the other guys in on it they'll be more than accepting of you. And to settle your nerves about the team, there is no room for bullies, or any unsupportive, teammates on my team. You have nothing to worry about. We can work on problems as they come, there's no use in worrying about the hypothetical. Alright?" "Okay, Henry. You're right. Thank you. You're amazing, that really helped me." "Of course, Luke, I'll always be here for you. Now, since we've already missed about 20 minutes of second period..." My eyes went wide, "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. I didn't even realize that bell rang!" "Hey-it's okay, I'm the one that pulled you aside. I just couldn't take not talking to you anymore, you really worried me this morning when you weren't talking to the team and when I saw you in the hall I knew that something was really bothering you." Henry gave me a knowing smile and I softly smiled back, "You read me too well, man." "Hey, it's not my fault that you wear your expressions on your face," Henry laughed. "Haha, very funny." I laughed, "Now, come with me to the bathroom? I have to pee and I want to get out of this hallway before we get in trouble." 

Once we made it the bathroom down the hall I walked up the urinal and did my business, thankful that my pull-up wasn't even the slightest bit damp today, and nobody has noticed it. I fixed myself up and went to wash my hands. When I was done I noticed Henry looking at me kinda funny, "What's with the face?" I asked. "I just-" Henry started, "were you feeling small this morning? I noticed you have a pull-up on..." My eyes widened, "Oh that, yeah..." I scratched the back of my neck. "Yeah, this is embarrassing, but my mom made me. She was a little shocked that I dropped so easily, and out of the blue, last night. She just wanted to make sure that if I unexpectedly dropped, then I wouldn't be embarrassed if... another accident occurred." Henry nodded, "Well, that makes perfect sense. Your mom is smart." My face reddened, "Yeah, I guess she is. I really didn't want to, and I haven't even needed it." I pouted. "Well, that may be true, Luke, but until your body is more regulated, and you can tell when you're going to drop, I think that's the best idea." I shrugged and whined, "I guessssss, mayyybeee." Henry laughed, "You're such a goof." I smiled at him and he continued, "Okay, now let's get to our thrid period before we miss another class. I'll see you at lunch later." "Okayyy, bye. I'll see you soon." I waved as we walked in our respective directions. 

The rest of the morning went much better. I felt much more content with dropping in front of Henry after we talked it out. I'm just hoping that he's right. If all of my other friends have the same reaction as Henry, I'll never have to worry about anything ever again. 

Word count: 1520


Hey, everyone! I'm so sorry it's been so long since an update, I've been so swamped between working and my school program being full-time. I'm going to try to be more consistent! I hope y'all enjoy the update!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12 ⏰

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