Chapter 1 - Fishing

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"This is stupid."

"You always say that, Tricky."

"Because this is always stupid."

"Yeah well, if we don't get our hands on food, people will go hungry."

"People will go hungry regardless."

You sat in a boat in the middle of the frigid South Pole ocean with your two best friends-Sokka and Katara. You, ever the stick in the mud, wanted to go back to your lonely hut outside the village and curl up with your cat-owls and do absolutely nothing. Sadly, food is a human necessity and if the village doesn't eat, you don't eat.

Sokka huffed, "You're so optimistic."

"And you're just so smart."

Katara hushed you both, "Guys, look! I caught one!" Floating above her head was a bubble of water with a fish in it. Sokka rolled his eyes.

"Yknow, if I had weird water magic, I would keep it to myself."

"That's a bold faced lie and you know it, Sokka."

"Shut up, Y/N!"


Sokka huffed again in frustration before turning back to look into the water. He kept making muscles at himself in his reflection.

"Your muscles haven't gotten any bigger in the last five minutes, Sokka."

Sokka turned towards you. He frowned for a moment, but a smug look quickly replaced it, "How do you know that? Why are you looking, hm?"

"Better than looking at your actual face."

He pouted, "That's hurtful."

"So is looking at your face."

Katara rolled her eyes again, "Okay, Lovebirds. Keep it professional while we're working, huh?"

Sokka's face went red, and you mock-vomited.

"Katara, don't be gross. Sokka is hardly boyfriend material."


Katara laughed aloud. Sokka frowned and turned to face the water again, a pout on his face.

You chuckled to yourself, "I'm just sayin', you're not exactly prime pickings."

When he didn't reply, you heaved a sigh and plopped down next to him on the boat, "Chill out, Bud. I didn't mean it. Your face is perfectly nice and I'm sure you'll meet a girl who can tolerate you one day."

He chuckled slightly, "My face is amazing."

This time it was your turn to roll your eyes. You flicked his nose and smiled, "Sure, Sokka. Believe whatever you like."

You leaned back in the boat and sighed, closing your eyes. It was nice to just enjoy the cool air of the sea and clear your head. Therapeutic. I'm sure many of us would do the same in our world if we had even the slightest amount of money to dedicate to such things. But seriously, in THIS ECONOMY- ahem

It had been this way nearly your whole life. You weren't exactly sure where you came from, nor to the day how old you were. Your birthday was simply the day they found you, and you were around 3 at the time. You were almost positive, though, that you were within the range of 15-16 years old. Any older or younger wouldn't have made the slightest amount of sense.

This boat ride had become a weekly occurrence. Sokka and Katara dragged you out to sea to catch fish despite your assistance often being limited to quips and moral support. And sleeping. The amount of times you'd passed out on this very boat was incalculable by now.

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