Chapter 2 - Flying What Now?

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"Uncle, look! Do you know what this means?"

"...I won't get to finish my game?"

A boy of 16 stood on the deck of a ship, sailing at an urgent clip towards something he thought plainly unattainable. Behind him sat an old man, who was staring intently at a game board. The boy swung around, an angry look growing on his face.

"It has to be him!"

The old man sighed, "Or perhaps it is just the Celestial Lights. Prince Zuko, I don't want you to get your hopes up again. The Avatar hasn't been seen for a hundred years."

Zuko gritted his teeth, "I've seen Celestial Lights, Uncle. That wasn't the Celestial Lights."

Before them was a bright blue beacon of light that Shot up into the sky. Certainly not the Celestial Lights, to say the least. Zuko glared darkly at the beam.

"It has to be him. It has to be the Avatar."

His uncle sighed, "How about some calming jasmine tea?"



You stared at the small boy with a raised eyebrow, "You want me to do what now?"

"Penguin sledding!"

You blinked, then sighed, "Love too, kiddo, but currently we're absolutely stranded. We're probably gonna die out here. Our boat floated away, and now we're stranded. Like, really stranded." You gestured to the open sea around you.

The boy blinked and studied his surroundings, then smiled, "Oh, well, I can help with that! Appa can fly us back."

"...who can do what now?"

Sokka gave an incredulous look, "Excuse me, fly? What do you have, a giant bird?"

The boy laughed, "Why would I have a giant bird? Appa is a Sky Bison."

"...a what?"

"A Sky Bison."

You, Sokka, and Katara shared a look of... inquisitive doubt. You heaved a sigh, "Well, I can't think of any other way to get home, so..."

Sokka groaned, "We're gonna die, aren't we?"

Katara smacked him on the head, "We're not gonna die."

Tired of listening to the both of them bicker, you turned to speak to the boy, "So, uh... What's your name?"




"That's a... new one."

"Well, what's your name?"

"Y/N. And those two are Sokka and Katara."

Sokka turned to look at you angrily as you said that, "Don't tell him that! He could be the enemy!"

Katara rolled her eyes, "He's a kid, Sokka."

"So are we," You interrupted, trying to put a stop to their incessant arguing.

"Don't back him up, Y/N."

"No, Y/N, back me up!"

You groaned, "I ain't backing either one of you up. Both of you fight your own battles. Damn."

The two of them continued to fight while you turned back to Aang.

"So. Sky Bison?"

He nodded eagerly and climbed back up to the split open ice cocoon. Inside was a large six-legged bison with a saddle on its back. You nodded, slightly impressed.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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