A peek of the Future and Your adventure starts

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Y/n was sitting on a branch in a tree watching the stars fly by while their hand was rubbing their stomach then they heard footsteps it was loud, big, and metal they turned their head around and saw two big robots one was blue with gold and the other was dark green with gold color as well they look to her and smile softly they leaned against a tree close to her while also having their arm folded then they look up to the stars like her then she spoke "hey guys.... Do you miss your home by chance if you had a chance would you go back?" They were quiet for a bit but closed their eyes then skyquake some but had his eyes open again while still looking to the stars "Yes we do but we wouldn't take any of the chances we were given to go back because we want to be with you and for our sparkling that you carry our love we have for each other am I right brother?" He moved his eyes to his brother Dreadwing he saw him smirk he then spoke and said "Yes he's right my sparkmate your child is made of our love he closed his eyes again and turned into his hologram and then his brother followed suit after they got into their hologram form they then start climbing into the tree close to her and rest their hand on her stomach and rub it and felt a kick on it their hands they smirk but purred about it

then skyquake spoke and said " I can't wait for them to come to this world" they all three smile then y/n kisses both her sparkmate cheeks and said "I love you two so much" she look up to the sky and thought "I'm so glad I came to this world and start my adventure" her two mates and her as well say "a new adventure begins from here" then it stop like pausing a movie and it start to rewind then stop what looks like the beginning where it show a girl walking on the sidewalk smiling while staring out of space then time starting again she was walking while being out of it smiling thinking of a show she wanted to watch all over again she remembered it by heart but she knew she was going to fall asleep watching the first episode half way while walking she heard giggling she stop walking and look to the other side of the road seeing a kid playing by himself with his bouncing ball and she saw a woman on her phone not watching the kid y/n was about to keep walking seeing that the kid is not too close to the road but then saw the ball got away from him and start bouncing to the road he ran after it her instinct was telling her something was about to happen, and then she heard a car driving towards their way the kid was now in the middle of the road grabbing his bouncing ball the boy looked up and saw y/n and smile big and waved with one free hand the car was getting too close the kid heard something  and turned to his right and saw a car and froze in fear

y/n ran towards the kid she got there before the car and pushed the kid out of the way and she felt pain then felt herself flying then she felt the ground knowing for sure she went flying pretty far due to how fast the car was driving and rolled a bit and then stop she heard tires screeching when she was flying then she heard screams and someone telling them to call 911 she knew she was going to pass away but needed to stay awake to see if the kid was ok she then heard little footsteps running towards her then she felt little hands on one of her big hands and pulled it close to her she heard a high pitch but caring and worried voice telling her to stay awake and crying and begging her not to go, so she used all the energy she had left and open her eyes and saw the little boy that ran in the middle of the road. She looked him up and down to see if he had any injuries, but he didn't she was happy about that and smiled at him softly, and said a couple of words to him "Smile dear you never fully dressed without one" she was about to close her eyes and saw him smile to her and she smiles back one last time and closes her eyes and felt her body finally die she waited for a bit then felt nothing but felt warmth around her she opens her eyes and saw a void and in the middle of it a night bright blue orb she tilt her head to the left she walked close to the orb and slowly stretch her arms out towards it she felt a heartbeat from it she quickly pulled it away she then heard a giggle coming from it then spoke "h-hello are you a spirit guide to the other side?" The orb laughed then spoke and said "No but you do have a choice if you want to go to the other side or help my creation and you'll be reborn at a young age the age of 6 years old" y/n was shocked and said, "what 6yrs old what is this world you speak of anyway?" The orb started forming a body form and she was shocked at who she saw it was Primes she quickly bowed to him and said "P-primes I didn't know it was you I'm sorry but I'm so excited to know I'll help you and your creation" primes spoke and said "please stand it's ok my child but also I'm glad your excited now what I was saying is you can help me and my creation bring peace or bring destruction it will be in your hand do you accept or decline?" Y/n snapped out of it and shook their head to snap out of it and smile big at the spirit of primes and said, "yes I will take this and do my best but will I get anything to help them or something?"

Primes was happy she said she would help but spoke "yes you will have some abilities and stuff and a place you will awake can be your place to live and hide the abilities you will get will be unknown until you unlock them you will get a thing called a status window take care and remember I'll always be with you in your heart" after he said that you start to see lights coming off of you knowing it's sending you to their world and smile at him one last time then everything becomes to light for her and after a minute or two she open her eyes the light becoming less bright then she saw a little box and it said (hello there y/n I'll be your guide and tell you what you unlock and what your power level are) then a status window appear and showed her face, her age, levels, abilities, quest, and missions her age is 6 and it showed something that is unlocked and it is strength earth, and water and they were all at level 1 it then closed she then stood up and found herself at the entrance of a small cave that only a human can fit through she looked around and saw she was in the desert she looks some more and saw in the far distance was a town she made a reminder map where she lived and which way to go and walk towards the town and saw a sign it said welcome to jasper Nevada she kept walking and came into town and looked at buildings but smile big and explored the town while she was doing that she was starting to feel a little hungry, so she dipped into her pocket to see if she had any money on her and surprisingly she did but also on a note from Primus himself the note said is "I hope you find this note to let you know that I send you to a town on where the autobots will be in the future and back at the cave there is a bit of stuff there for you to survive in the cave some fruits grow in there and energon you can test on or figure it out take care and remember we all will be one" she smile and put it back in her pocket and went to a gas station she saw bought some foods in there and clothes she was glad there was a lot of money in her pocket she then put the rest of it away in her pocket at first she had about 900 dollars she saw it was getting dark and start walking towards her home once there got there it was almost dark and she decided to go deeper into the cave and saw a good place to be her bedroom and saw the energon and the fruits he talked about she smiled she put down scraps, food and clothes in a corner she decided to try and use earth power and it took a little while and made a little counter to put stuff she bought on it then made a bed out of earth then lay down on it and used her jacket as her blanket while using her hands as pillows "I can't wait for what will happen in the future a new adventure awaits"

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