Mission problems and the undead arise

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previously on transformer prime arcee's voice was heard "Arcee to base, come in Jack, listen up we need you to bridge us back" She waited a bit and spoke again "Hello?" she got no answer and spoke to Bee and Cliff "bumblebee and cliffjumper metal to the pedal" all three them start racing back to base/

We see Fowler "hanging around" chained up with three cons watching him his head hanging we then hear starscream then see him start walking around Fowler like a predator circling its pray "agent Fowler, I have one single request that will save your family the pain of grieving tell me the location of the autobot base" he said having one of his sharp digits under fowlers chin giving him a threatening him Fowler looks at him "no problem, but I need to ask you something first" after he said no problem starscream moves his digits away and let fowlers head to fall back down he then looks up to starscream and you could see his smirk thinking he won and says "yes I'm listening?" then Fowler gave him a smirk back not gonna eat the bots out for his own life "I got an issue with the customer service around here could I speak to the manager" starscream looks at him with a blank face then got angry and growls he then shows his sharp digits to Fowler "I make the decisions here! I am in charge!" he says getting in fowlers face he then turn to one of the vehicons and said "bring the prod" we then are outside of the nemesis where bulkhead and Miko is at "what is taking arcee, bumblebee and cliffjumper?" Miko was sitting putting both her hands on one of her legs before getting up and swinging her arms around a bit "Dude their putting the clamps on Fowler right now let's just storm the joint!" she made her hand into a fist after saying what she thought then they both heard the spacebridge go off and look too where it is bulkhead then spoke "ah, they're here" but instead of Arcee, bee, and maybe cliff coming out the portal it was jack, raf, and you coming out of it all three of you jumped

Miko got mad and said "why don't those guys hang out with their own bots?" she swung her arms down then folded them "this is our one-on-one time" you heard bulkhead groan you grabbed a little rock near you a pebble and flick it too Miko and it hit her in the center of her forehead she gasped and put her hands on her forehead and said "ow where did that come from!?" then she looks too you and saw your hand was still in the flicking position she growled in annoyed and you whispered but yelled at her "Miko don't even you did this you need to face the consequences of your own action young lady!" you where walking while doing that jack and raf was to focused on how their body felt after that raf then spoke up to jack "woah-oh are your bones vibrating?" jack scratched the back of his head and shrugged his shoulder then you and stopped and forgot the kids were walking the wrong way and you just followed them "scrap we walked the wrong way" we were in the open and looked to the nemesis we were then spotted by cons and all three of them pointed their blasters at us and yelled "you there!" you then heard Miko and bulkhead say something at the same time "Scrap!" while in the nemesis we see Fowler still changed up with his head down then we hear starscream voice "I ask nicely one last time the autobots base" he gets close into fowlers personal bubble then Fowler looks up a bit and says "sure thing, buddy right after you eat my star-spangled shorts" star scream pulls something into our eyesight and we see a weird tool or weapon it sounds like electricity must be some kind of taser he looks to it then to Fowler and smirk then brings it closer to Fowler and touch him with it causing him to scream in pain then we see starscreams face up close he was smiling evilly "as I imagined energon and humans nervous system don't mix"


we see optimus and ratchet are still walking in that weird looking fog canyon you can hear the wind howling the sky dark with some light but not a lot optimism and ratcher stopped walking we are then behind them and see what they see a graveyard of cybertronians that were fighting over energons on planet earth we are then in front of them looking at their reaction ratchet spoke "for the first time in my life, optimus I had hoped that you were wrong" then they both ear something flying towards their way and they see a plain but no ordinary plain they watched it from behind them to far away in front of them and it transform into Megatron we are then zoomed up close to him he then spoke his opticis glowing and his chest as well "optimus, been well?" he leans a bit forward while moving his servo around a bit "I see you brought your trusty watchdog, I was certain he'd be convalescing in a scrapyard by now" he kept moving his arms around then folded them for a bit but you can tell he just wanted to tick off ratchet and it worked because he said something while punching one of his fist into his palm "why don't you invite him down here for a chat" ratcher was then moving his still punching his servo into his palm then optimus spoke up "I know why you're here, megatron" we are then back to looking at Megatron and he then says "hardly the surprise, optimus after all, you and I have been at this a long time, and your time has come to an end" he says moving his arms around then point at optimus when he got to the part about both them then he shows his palm just a bit and moves his palm outward like telling a maid or a servant to leave he then grabbed something he had on him and lifted it up into the air it was soo bright and purple and little lights coming off and on it like a moth to a light he then swings his arm back and throws it down hard and fast it hit the ground when it did the ground started to shake and rumble then it then start to sink into the ground then we start to see cracks all over the ground spreading like crazy we then see megatrons chest glowing like crazy then his eyes and his neck cables he leans forward for a bit then lifted his arms into the air "rise, my army!" we then see purple eyes powering on then a robotic body coming out of the ground then we see ratchets shocked face "by the allspark" we then see another undead and it was standing and it swung its weapon in front of it then we optimus face he looked horrified on what Megatron did and also mad another undead got up and the bottom of his mouth was missing you could hear growling sounds coming from then we saw more of them coming out from the ground or starting to stand or they are standing we then see ratchet mouth hanging open optimus looking around with a blank face we then went to Megatron and saw his eyes glowing purple along with parts of his body glowing purple as well "behold the power of dark energon!" Metatron yelled out then the undead started to walk forward

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