Meeting and cliff signal on line?

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previously on transformer prime
Cliff sighed with frustration his leader knew what he meant "I understand cliffjumper you wan't answers and you will get them in due time the future holds questions that will be revealed and we shall see what the future holds for us all"/

The next day started with y/n wake up almost late for school and quickly grabbed a pair of clothes and throwing them on she then grabbed her bag and a piece of food she then thought of the alleyway behind the school and teleprot there then quickly got into school her school day went by quick but oh it was so boring in some of the classes school ended and she was walking out of the front door with jack then he stop walking I quickly look to my left saw arcee and cliff right beside her then me and jack heard someone calling to us and we looked to our right and saw raf waving to us I waved back and we started walking up to him then jack scratched the back of his head "hey raf look, lets just keep this between us the three of us and forget anything ever happened, okay?" then we heard a honk and looked towards the sound came from and saw it was that bee car again and it drove right in front of us I heard raf gasp "jack!" then jack sounded annoyed and a bit worried "oh, not again" then we heard buzzing sound coming from it again then jack spoke "it wants us to get in" then raf shook his head "no, just me" he look at jack real quick when he said that then jack open his arms open "how do you know that?" raf being the cute little kid said "it said so" jack didn't understand and wanted a bit more of an answer then that "what?!" he then grabbed jack arm and turn him around and I turn around as well "both of yours is over there" he pointed to where I saw arces and cliff was at and then saw him drive over close to us he open his door I got in while jack wasn't paying attention to me and raf did the same "look, I really don't think that-" raf didn't listen to what jack was saying and decided to talk to the bee "hey how's it going" jack heard him and turn his head and saw raf got in the car then look around for me "raf... y/n?!" he saw me get into that red car from yesterday we sawhe yelled at the two cars that started to drive off "wait! Stop!" he stood in the middle of the road watching us leave

you were comfortable in the passenger seat and saw the seatbelt move over you by its self then you heard cliff voice "so kid what's your name? mine is cliffjumper but you can call me cliff if you want" you smile softly at his driving wheel and wanted to tell him but you felt so shy you cover your face it took him a bit and then chuckle a bit you felt the vibration of his laughter "oooh I see your shy make sense you seem the kid to be shy I think we are gonna be good friends" you nodded crazy about that being his friend he laughed again you then saw bumblebee we seems you caught up to him you turn your head a bit to see if jack and Miko is right behind and they were you saw you were going off the road but still sat there relaxed but pumped up already made a friend with someone you loved to watch a lot but felt bad he always dies first you then saw a secret door open from the rock wall and drove right in it looked so cool to you the drive in to the hide out but then you smiled bigger if that was possible when you were in the middle of base the real working place cliff stopped and you got out of his vehicle mode and moved back from him and saw the kids do the same you then heard a old but soft voice "I thought there was three?" then arcee was acting a bit sassy with her pose "haven't you heard? humans multiply" the kids looked so shocked but you were shock like they were but put up the act as if you were but you were also excited raf saw Miko and smile and stretched out his hand to her but she didn't pay him no mind and it made you feel a bit upset with her I understand your excited and all but don't leave the man hanging there dang "I'm raf" she ran up to the green wrecking ball "I'm miko who are you" I then heard his say his name in his some what deep voice "bulkhead" she was about to ask him questions so I focused at looking at ratchet ground bridge and hummed quietly to myself then turn to his screen then I heard what raf said and gasp on what he said "so, if you guys are robots, who made you?" I heard the cranky old man scoff "Puh-lease!" I went over to raf and whisper to him "raf no one made them if someone made them it would have been all over the news everywhere it would be to hard for humans to keep this hidden a lot of stuff comes into the light that humans make" the old robot heard what you said and thought you were smart but also made him question why you thought they were living actual living thing instead of being made machine he made a mental note to talk to his old friend about what the girl that was described yesterday just said today then we felt an earth shaking vibration you then turn to see a tall robot and your mouth was hanging wide open then you heard a chuckle from a voice you know who it belong to it was cliff "you might want to close your mouth little lady you might catch flies" you quickly close your mouth and felt embarrassed and cover your face but look towards the leader again Miko ran up beside us three he look down at us the best he could (with his big woman boobs lol anyone get a funny picture that relates to this with optimus please show me)

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