I love you

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"There are just no women for me y'know? It's just hookup after hookup, I mean obviously, the sex is great but sometimes I just want someone to come home to, you get me?" Serena turns to look at my wide-eyed face

"Mhm" I nod slowly, taking another sip of my frappucino

I truly don't 'get her'. I'm straight and a virgin but I'll go along with it

Right now we're both out shopping

It's been over a week since I quit the boutique and I've not heard from my family since

To be honest I don't really want to hear from them. I don't think I'm in the wrong here

Gosh, I feel like one of those AITA Tiktok videos

I love them, I've genuinely watched them for hours on end

Especially the ones with the Minecraft parkour

Anywho I'm getting off-topic

"Why don't you go to a bar or something? I always hear people say they met their wives or husbands at a bar"

"Because if I go with a guy it seems like I'm with him, romantically, and I have no girl-friends that I haven't hooked up with" she groans

I sped up and stopped in front of her "I don't remember us hooking up" I crossed my arms

"You want to be my wingwoman?"

"I could try, I mean I can't drink because I'm not
21 yet but you don't need to be 21 to get into a bar do you?"

"No you do not my little friend" She swings an arm over my shoulders as we start walking again

"Yay, we can find your wife-to-be!" I clap

"What do wing women do?"

She laughs as we enter a cute vintage shop "I will teach you everything"

After another half-hour of shopping, we get back home

Well, Franco's home

"Baby come here!" Franco calls from the kitchen

Me and Serena put our bags down by the door before heading into the kitchen where Franco stands with a massive, proud smile on his face, surrounded by a mess of flour and dirty baking bowls I didn't even know he owned

"Look, cupcakes" he holds up a plate with 3 messily frosted cupcakes

"Only 3?" Serena asks

He scowls and puts the plate down "Yes Serena, only 3"

"What happened to the rest?" she tries to hide her laugh

"They burned" he grumbles

"How did only 3 not burn?"

"I don't fucking know, I'm not a scientist"

"I don't think it's science mate" she laughs

"I love them!" I smile widely at him


"Mhm, they look so good" I send Rena a pointed look

"Yeah the three that made it look super yummy, well done Franco" she nods

He smiles proudly again

"One each?" Rena asks

"Yep" we each take a cupcake and start to eat them

Surprisingly they actually do taste really good

Thank god, I am so bad at hiding my facial expressions

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