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I start making Angel's breakfast while she changes; I put the bread in the toaster and start chopping the banana and strawberries

The toast pops up ready and I spread the peanut butter before placing the chopped banana on top

I begin to plate up the strawberries just as my Angel comes down wearing jeans that start low on her waist with a yellow top and cardigan to go with it

I begin to plate up the strawberries just as my Angel comes down wearing jeans that start low on her waist with a yellow top and cardigan to go with it

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Her hair is back in a ponytail and her face is bare of makeup most likely because she said her skin has been more irritable than usual recently

"Thank you" she smiles when I slide the plate over to her

I kiss her temple as she starts eating and begin to make my own breakfast consisting of cereal and an apple

Angelica finishes her food and checks her phone, turning to me with a soft expression as my hand rests on the curve of her waist

"I need to go, I'll be back so soon you won't even realise I left"

I sigh with a small smile and nod "Okay baby, please be careful"

"I will, I promise. I love you"

"I love you more sweetheart" I kiss her and pull away before she heads to the front door

"Bye bye Franco"

"Bye bye baby"

The door closes behind her and I watch her retreating figure through the large window on the other side of the room until she disappears

I eat my food and clear up before picking up my phone and calling Alex

"What?" his groggy voice comes through the phone

God knows where he is, he hasn't been to work though that's probably for the best because I would have killed him in the most brutal way possible

"Come over"

He chuckles "Sure, I'll be there in 10"

I hang up and slam the phone down, taking a deep breath

I head upstairs to change and come back down just before the doorbell rings

I open the door and let Alex in, walking into the kitchen in an awkward silence

I break it

"What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"There is nothing wrong with me, that girl is the problem I was just showing you"

"That girl, you mean Angelica" I scoff

"Whatever her real name is, did she even tell you what happened?"

"Of course she did Alex, she's a good person"

He rolls his eyes "and you don't care? It's people like that we fought against in the military"

"You cannot compare a scared 15-year-old girl to a group of terrorists Alex" I laugh "Seriously though, why would you bring back one of the worst things in her life? After everything she's been through-"

"She's been through nothing" he scowls

"Both of her parents died, she became an addict, she was forced to nearly kill someone, she was kidnapped and buried alive I think she's been through some shit"

"And I haven't?"

"This isn't about you Alex!" I shout

"You're right, it's about you!"

The room goes silent "me? ME?! I HAVE DONE EVERYTHING FOR YOU!"


"I treated you like family Alex, you were a brother to me. I gave you a job when I found out you left the military, I gave you a place to live!"

"As if that was for me" he scoffs "that was just to feel good about yourself. It's not fair! You got EVERYTHING! You got the money and the magazines and the awards you even got the girl!"

"Are you fucking kidding me? I worked for everything! And 'the girl'? What, you want Angelica now as well?" I laugh

"She's too good for you"

"All you've ever done is given me shit for loving that girl! You torment her! This isn't a playground Alex, you can't pull her hair because you don't know what to do with your feelings"

"I hate you!"

"The feeling's mutual, you're fired, get the fuck out of my house and whatever friendship we had is gone"

"Try and fire me, I swear I'll sue the shit out of you"

"You think I didn't know you stole from the company?" I laugh "I've already got a whole file on it, I'll sue you back and win"

"FUCK YOU!" he goes to the door and opens it

"NO FUCK YOU ALEX" The door slams leaving everything to sink in

I lean my forearms against the counter with my hands running through my hair

I wait on the couch for Angelica to get back

When she said 'she'd be back so soon I wouldn't even realize she was gone' she was lying

I do realize, I hate it and I want her back with me. Right now.

It feels like hours before the door opens again but it was really just 20 minutes

"Hi princess"

She stays silent but walks over to me before collapsing in my arms and breaking down in sobs; each one a glass shard to my heart

"It's okay, it's okay"

"What happened Angel?" I ask when her cries turn to sniffles

"I thought this was all behind me" she whispers

"I know sweetheart but I just need to send the money and it will be, forever"

"I just can't believe you got roped into this and everything with my grandfather and Alex and the attention from my kidnapping, I- I'm just so sorry Franco. If you want to leave, I understand"

"Hey look at me"

Her big blue eyes do as I say

"We've had to deal with a lot over this year but I would do it all 10x over if it meant I got to love you. I don't blame you for anything my Angel; as long as I have you, I have everything."

"You don't have to say that Franco, I want you to be happy-"

"Angelica, I mean every single word that leaves my mouth; especially when I tell you how much I fucking love you. Okay?"

"Okay" she smiles a little with my reassurance    "I love you more"

"No" I chuckle "No you don't"

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