Yes boss

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I wake up to the sun beaming in my face and the weight of my love on top of me

Her golden hair is sprawled down the side of the bed and her cheek is pressed firmly against my chest causing her dark rose lips to be set in a sleepy pout

Her slow breaths, the sun shining on her face, the way she hugs me even while fast asleep- I've never been so in love

I'm still mad, mad. As. Fuck

But I realize that ultimately it's not Angel's fault its that fucking Iván Petrov's fault

I'll be losing $1,000,000 to him simply because his ego got crushed when a 15-year-old girl got him set in prison for a few years but if it meant my Angel would be safe I would give every last dime away

I have no clue what time it is, usually I wake up at 6:30 but seeming as I was lured to sleep by my little devil at 4 am I won't be surprised if it is the middle of the day

It's 4 days until our one-year anniversary, I have had plans for a while on how to spoil Angelica as much as I can within 24 hours; I can only hope it doesn't get ruined by Iván going back on his word

I want this over as soon as possible, though I hate that-that means Angel will have to meet with Iván again, it must be done

I like to be in control of every situation I'm in; that was a good thing when I was in the army for the most part and it's great while owning a large company but I won't be able to be in control of the situation when Angel is with him and that fucking terrifies me

What if he decides to take her for ransom?

What if he tries to tempt her and she relapses?

What if he just kills her?

God knows what I'd do then

Angel shifts above me before her head snuggles into the crook of my neck

I never was to leave

This is pure heaven

I've been in a few relationships before; not many and none of them lasted that long; the longest being 7 months

I never realised how much I would crave the feeling of waking up like this

They say everyone has their person; I was so lucky to of found mine

I don't know what I'd do without my Angel

I can't wait for the days we grow old together while at the same time, I want to cherish every second of being with her

I feel her soft breaths on the skin of my neck tempting me to fall back asleep but I don't want to leave this reality that feels like a vivid dream

I run my fingers through her hair, watching the strands slip through before falling like silk

A content sigh escapes my lips as my eyes close, my cheek resting against the top of Angelica's head

I don't know how long I'm resting in the sweetness of her before I feel her softly move her head from below mine and sit up

My eyes blink open and look up at her rubbing her eyes

She pulls her hands away and I chuckle as I brush a loose eyelash off her cheek

"You didn't make a wish" Her voice is so beautifully sleepy, that stage between scratchy and whiney it just sounds adorable

"I made one"

"Don't lie Franco" She rolls her eyes cheekily with a smile as she picks up my hand

"It's still there I can make one!"

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