Lesson 4: Electronik

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After class, I tried to convince myself I wouldn't sound stupid calling him. Or seem to desperate, he had told me to call him!? I planned out what I would say in my head. If I talk too fast I could seem nervous but if I talk to slow I might stutter over my words. As I arrived to my dorm room, I thought "well it's now or never." I needed to remember that I'm calling Paul, the sweet guy I met last night. Not Stromae the ridiculously successful international superstar. I set my purse down, I was about to reach for the phone but it started to ring before I could. I looked at the called ID. It was Rachel the manager at my work. Reluctantly I answered. "Hello?" "Elizabeth thank God! We are slammed! A birthday party came in without reservation I need you to come in right now!" I sighed, the phone call will have to wait. I can always call in a couple hours "I'll be right there." But Rachel didn't wait for a response she had already hung up. I put on my uniform, grabbed my coat, and was out the door.

* * *
Shit! I looked at the clock. I had managed to work really late AGAIN. It was 2 in the morning. Maybe I would have gotten out sooner if it wasn't for a couple kids who ate a little too much birthday cake, that I ended up cleaning. Or if it wasn't my turn to close. I started walking back. I took my usual short cut, but I didn't count on running into any Belgian artists this time. I was back in around a half hour. My room mate was fast asleep. I grabbed the scrap of paper with Paul's number, and took it down the hall into the bathroom. He could be asleep, but maybe not. I took a chance and dialed. I didn't feel the same fear I felt before, I I was just too tired. Adrenaline was pumping though me. The phone rang. It rang three times, no answer. I thought about hanging up. Or maybe I should leave a message? Before I could make a decision a voice at the other end said: " Allo?" My heart skipped a beat, I started to ramble

"Hi, this is Elizabeth. We met the other night. Sorry it's so late I had to work."

"Umm actually this is not Paul, I am his manager Dimitri. He told my you were going to call though."

"Oh I'm sorry, I thought this was his phone. I just assumed..."

"Oh-ah.. It is! I just thought I would answer it, he is sleeping. We are in Portland right now, he just finished a concert."

"Right, I should have called earlier."

"Late is better than never! Thank God you did call though maybe now he'll shut up about you. He's been so nervous all day long, he clung to the phone waiting for a ring."

I started to feel bad. I didn't mean to make him wait, I just got so busy... But on the other hand I was elated. He talked about me? So much that it was annoying? He was nervous for my call? He performs in front of thousands but gets nervous talking to a silly college girl. There was something amusing and adorable about that. I continued.

" Well, please tell him how sorry I am. I didn't mean to make him wait."

" Oh no! I don't mean to make you feel bad! I-uh... Anyway! I'm should tell you. The concert in California, it's on the 9th. We went ahead and bought the plane ticket for tomorrow. We'll be pretty busy doing interviews and things before the concert, so he probably won't be able to see you much. But after we are able to do more site seeing. We'll get a room for you in the hotel we are at and send someone to pick you up. I'll text you all the other details, if it's all the same to you."

I was amazed at how fast this was happening. I didn't realize the concert was so close. What was I going to do about work? I had homework to do for school as well. But then I thought about the fact that this was the most exciting thing that had ever happened to me. I rarely take risks at all. A grin spread across my face.

"Great." I replied. "Thank you for everything I look forward to meeting you in person Dimitri."

"Likewise." He said. And then the phone went silent.

I went back to my room and laid on my bed, starring at the ceiling. What had I just gotten myself into?

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