Lesson 5: Un bol de musique

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I left Seattle and made it to Oakland without any trouble. The driver that picked me up at the airport had given me my VIP pass and ticket for the concert the following night. I hadn't told anyone that I was going to this concert except for my room mate. I definitely could not tell my parents. I ended up quitting my job, so I could go. I didn't give them two weeks notice so I'm pretty sure they hate me there now. My mom especially would murder me if she new I quit my job to follow a boy out to California for spring break. I'll just look for a new one when I get back. I always told myself I wouldn't work fast food but if it comes down to it I will.
It's April 8th, Dmitri texted me and asked if I want to have dinner with them tonight. Of course I said yes, what else have I got to do? I left the airport and headed for the hotel. It wasn't a long plane ride but travel is exhausting no matter what.

I checked in without any problems, I was enamored with the luxurious hotel. I had never stayed in such a fancy place before. Chandeliers and all, everything looked shiny. I had to wonder how they kept it so clean looking . Walking into my room all I wanted to do was plop down on the bed and take a nap. But when I got inside I found something waiting for me. There were clothes, three different outfits. Nothing super fancy but cute nonetheless. The first was a dress, coral blue and flowy with a jean jacket to match, the next were jeans dark and expensive looking, it had a very cute white printed t shirt with a city scape on it and lastly there was an adorable pair of printed shorts to go with a off the shoulder black shirt and a hat. I knew they were for me, everything looked like it was about my size. I found a note on the night stand, written out in perfect cursive it read " Pick one, I can't wait to see you tonight. " it wasn't signed, but it was sitting next to a vase of roses and a box of Belgian chocolate. My heart started beating fast with excitement and anticipation. Suddenly I wasn't tired anymore. I decided to start getting ready right away, I needed to look my best for this night out. My head was flooding with thoughts, why me? Why is he so interested in a boring college student? It seems impossible. I also couldn't help but wonder where we were going for the night. Based on the outfits no where fancy, which is fine by me. Id rather we be in a more relaxed setting, it will make me less nervous.

After a couple ours of primping I was finally ready. I decided on the outfit with the printed shorts, they were fun and colorful. Seemed like something I would wear.  I headed downstairs to look for my driver. Upon entering the lobby however, my driver was no where in sight. But as I ventured further into the lobby, I realized my driver was not picking me up at all.

He was sitting by himself in the lobby. He had some dark blue pants on and a light yellow polo. His shoes and his pants matched in color as well as his socks and his shirt. You could tell he wasn't new to the fashion world. He made eye contact with me, smiled and all 6'5 of him stood up. I smiled at him. "You look beautiful" he said. I blushed, I wasn't used to compliments from guys, especially guys like Paul. "Thank  you." I replied. "I think it's thanks to your outfit choices, you have a great fashion sense." He laughed "Well, thank you. It wasn't always like that so that is a big compliment." I couldn't imagine a time where he wasn't well dressed, so that claim seemed odd to me. "Are you ready to go?" He asked me. "Where exactly are we going?" He gave me a sly half smirk: "It's a surprise."

He led me through a crowd of people in the lobby, I could feel his hand on the small of my back guiding me through. It was right about dinner time and the hotel restaurant and bar were packed. I was surprised he could walk around so openly without anyone recognizing him. All these people and they have no idea they're in the presence of a superstar.

Once outside the valet handed him some keys. "You drive?" I asked surprised. "Of course I do! Do you think I am some rich snob?" "I-uh.. no, no! Of cour-" He laughed "I'm just joking." We got into a shiny but older looking car. We chatted for a bit, it was awkward at times but that's just how first dates go. Something about him feels so genuine though, I could keep the conversation going for hours and never get bored. We drove past a skinny but ornate building. The likes of which I have never seen in Seattle before. "That's an interesting looking building..." I commented. I turned my head back to watch it as we drove by. "You like architecture?" he asked. "I guess so." I'd never actually studied it but the idea has always interested me. "My father was an architect..." he lamented to me. I looked at his face riddled with sadness. "I'm sorry." I told him. He looked at me and smiled a crooked smile the mood seemed to change instantaneously, "you've done your homework then?" I was confused. "What?" "You.. how do you say? Looked at me? On the internet?" I laughed, I was kind of embarrassed but its true. "ahh looked you up" I corrected him "And yes I did" "Mmm and what did you find?" I thought over the copious amounts of information I'd learned, but I wasn't sure I wanted him to know just how much I've found out. "Well... you're a drunk, for one. Honestly I wasn't sure I should have said yes to this date after watching you drunk in the streets, what does that say about my character?" He laughed at my joke, "It's true what kind of woman goes out with a drunkard? And follows him to California even!?" He looked over at me and smiled, a smile I would never get tired of seeing. "I'm curious though, why does no one know you here? I suppose I do know why but... We can walk through a hotel lobby with no problems but at the metro in Belgium every camera is on you." "I am convinced they will know me soon, many people have already. I couldn't do this tour without that. We're getting more popular here, but I kind of like being able to walk down the street as a regular guy." I felt bad for him a little, he can't walk down the city streets in his home country without being the center of attention. He sticks out like a sore thumb too, tall, thin, dark skin and his features are so distinct, he has a sharp angular face like none other. There's no way you could mistake him for someone else.

The car rounded a corner and we stopped. "Scott's Seafood" the sign read. It's not an elegant name but the place was beautiful none the less. There were lights draped everywhere indoors and outdoors. Exactly the kind of place you'd go on a romantic date. Is that what this is? I wondered to myself, still bewildered that Paul likes me at all. He parked the car, I started to get out. "Uh uh uh..." Paul made a noise at me. He got out of the car and ran around the side to open the door for me. I laughed a little, it was such an old cliche but also so sweet.

He grabbed my hand as I exited the car "I love it when you laugh" he said looking down at me. I blushed, all I could manage to say was a shy "thank you"

We sat at the table with menus. No one else was in the restaurant. I looked around, confused. "You're not going to propose to me are you?" Paul looked up at me from behind his dinner menu and raised an eyebrow. " I mean I like you and all but it's a little soon." I could tell he was still confused, I started to panic is it to early to joke about this type of thing? I tried to explain. " It seems like whenever someone rents out an entire restaurant they propose, I've seen it on tv or online dozens of times..." He laughed now, I couldn't tell if it was a courteous laugh at my bad joke or if he had finally got it. "No it's just, although I'm not very famous here I do get recognized sometimes and the only girl I want to see tonight is you." I blushed yet again. I wondered how my cheeks weren't in a permanent shade of pink at this point. The waiter interrupted us and we ordered, I got some kind of fish, the waiter asked me "would you like the salad with that or French fries?" "It's Belgian fries" I muttered under my breath. Paul laughed really loudly, if almost startled me. "You really have done your research?" He mused "She'll have the Belgian Fries, thank you." He continued to laugh as the waiter walked away. I never really thought I was a funny person but tonight I feel like a comedian.

The rest of the night went just like a first date should, a bit awkward but great anyways. Paul looks right at you when he speaks, he makes me feel like I'm the only person left on Earth. I am the only one who matters but in a kind and genuine way. We ate our food, joked and laughed and got to know each other better. After dinner he walked me back up to my hotel room.
"I had a great time." I said to him. "I did too, I'm sorry we couldn't stay out later, I need to rest for the concert tomorrow and--" I cut him off "don't worry about it! I understand completely, I'm excited to see you perform." " Thank you Elizabeth, I'm glad you came all this way for it. I wasn't sure you would, and it means a lot that you came..." He started to lean in, my heart almost jumped out of my chest. He didn't waste any time getting to the point. He was so close to me, i could feel his warmth on my neck. I leaned in the rest of the way. His lips were as soft as they looked, and he was so gentle. Our lips touched briefly and fleetingly only a couple of times before he leaned back and smirked at me. "Goodnight" he whispered, sending a shiver down my spine. "Goodnight." I replied.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2015 ⏰

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