That could work...

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Mark was sitting in the Red Ball Diner, sniffling to himself and occasionally venting to passersby. He and Wallter used to come to this diner quite often,  getting drinks, chatting up about stuff.

That all changed though.

Mark can't imagine his life without him.
He's fallen apart.

Mark came here every so often, usually he would just sob to randos or even the person at the bar, but now he was here sitting with a coworker, Jimmy.

He let out a soft hic, "I just... I can't fuckin' go on without... he was m'life... the love of m'life and I just..." Mark sobbed, barely coherent through his crying.

Jimmy sighed, patting Mark on the back. "Hey, hey... I'm sure it's alright. You'll be able to move on." Mark sniffled, "But- that's the thin'... I can't... I don't want to... Wallter was m' everything..." He whined, choking out a few more tears.

Jimmy looked at him pitifully for a bit before waving the bartender over and ordering some drinks, sliding a shot of vodka towards Mark who picked up the glass, swigging it down and placing it back onto the counter, still letting out small sniffles yet seeming to be slightly more composed now.

"I just don't know what ta' do... or- or what I did wrong..." He muttered.

Jimmy felt sympathetic and pulled him closer, turning Mark to face him. "You didn't do anything wrong... I'm sure it was just a misunderstanding." He sighed, trying his best to make his friend feel better.

Mark was still extremely teary-eyed, of which he wiped away the tears. "I guess.." He muttered. "I wanna try to make it up to him but... I just- I don't know what t'do..." Mark hiccupped.

Jimmy sighed, thinking for a bit before gently shaking Mark. "Well... is there anything he really likes? Besides... you know..." He shrugged.

Mark shrugged back, glancing down at the counter. "I mean... he's always complained about how I never got him flowers..." Mark muttered, to which Jimmy smiled a bit. "Well then get him some! I know a place nearby that sells bouquets of rubiginosas!"

(Pardon the spelling mistake, I'm keeping it to be more canonical as per Prototype spells them.)

Mark nodded, letting out a shaky sigh. "Just... w-what if he doesn' like 'em?" He then breaks down crying to which Jimmy lets out a small frustrated huff. God, what does it take to get this guy to stop fucking crying?

Eventually though the bartender came over and got him kicked out, to which Mark of course put up a fight and was evidently banned. (MWAHAHAHAH!!!)



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Jimmy had led Mark, who was now drunk off his ass, down the street towards a local shop. (Yes, not through an elevator, I didn't feel like doing that.)

They walked in and Jimmy tried to hold Mark up as best as he could as to not derive too much concern from the people around them. "How about these?" Jimmy hums, pointing to a bouquet of flowers, to which he has to hold Marks face up to look at them.

Mark stared at them for quite a bit before picking them up and holding them up to his face, which... Jimmy did get a little confused at, but... who was he to judge?

Eventually Mark nodded, shoving the bouquet into Jimmy's face and making his way to the cash register, to which Jimmy chuckled lightly and followed behind.

"You really shouldn't have drank as much as you did back there." Jimmy snickered, paying for the flowers to which Mark scoffed. "Yer the one who offered m'vodka." He hiccupped, rolling his eyes.

Eventually they left the store, Jimmy escorted Mark back to his house, making sure he was all safe before eventually returning to his own.


Thank you to one of my closer friends for giving me the motivation to write this (through threats and violence) <3

I would've probably never written this if I wasn't held against a wall with a gun to my head!!!

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