Literally just sex.

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sex... apologetic sex? they have sex to makeup for the last sex
sexxity sex sex sex... sexy sex... trying so hard to restrain myself from making a ICP reference.. oh wait. i kind of just did...


So they were at it again, this time on the bed, properly. They were passionately making out, their bodies rubbing and scraping up against each other. That's gonna make a few splinters.

Wallter was hunched over Mark, pinning him down to the bed, both of their... articles of clothing... one maybe not even an article... How the fuck? already off, smashing lips together and roughly pressing up against each other.

They eventually pulled away and Wallter leaned down, lightly biting into Mark who let out a moan, pulling him closer. "W-Wallter..." He whimpered, I swear to god Wallter almost came right then and there.

He flipped Mark onto his back, bending over him and lining up before going in raw, Mark let out a small pleasured scream followed by some whimpers "Haaa~aaah! H-Hurts a little... s-slow..." He moaned, to which Wallter complied, pulling out slightly to let him adjust.

Once he got the green light he pushed back in, feeling Marks back arch against him, pressing him deeper into the... mattress? After a bit more waiting for him to adjust Wallter pulled out, slamming back into him, only continuing once Mark rolled his hips desperately against the others.

Now Wallter was panting, pistoning in and out of Mark rapidly. Mark was letting out a loud string of moans, surely enough for a noise complaint tomorrow, they were in an apartment afterall.

Anyway yea he was fucking bro up he was all like /\/\/\/\/\/ and Mark was all like _/_/_/_/_/ and shit yeaaah.

then they got married again
the end
sorry that was subconscious
ummm anyway
which design of human Mark do we like best

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------🧱🌳then they got married againyeathe endLampertwhatsorry that was subconsciousummm anywaywhich design of human Mark do we like best

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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