Finally making up.

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Or, at least I think?

Mark wakes up once more, feeling better. He stretches and gets up, changing into his casual stand and heading to the front door.

As he walks to the door he spots the bouquet, hesitating for a moment before sighing, grabbing them and exiting his house.




Wallter woke up and was brushing his teeth when he got a knock on his apartment door and he let out a small groan, not very awake yet as he sets down his toothbrush, throwing some baggy pants on, and heading to the door.

The door swings open and he sees a very nervous Mark there... holding... flowers?

(I kind of rushed it, shut up >P<)Wallter was quiet, confused as to why Mark was here, in-front of his door, at his apartment

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(I kind of rushed it, shut up >P<)

Wallter was quiet, confused as to why Mark was here, in-front of his door, at his apartment. "Oh. Do you need something?" Wallter shrugged down at Mark.

"I..." Mark stuttered, holding up the flowers. "F-For ya..." He turned his face away, blushing intensely and awkwardly. Wallter just awkwardly stares down at him and sighs. "Mark... you're not over it are you?"

Mark glanced back at him, a bit confused and slightly hurt. "No... do... d'ya hate me..." He mutters, tripping over his words a bit.

Wallter furrows his brows and sighs. "Of course I don't, I'm just... not really interested anymore. I moved on..." He tries to explain, looking down at Mark, who was now avoiding eye contact or speaking all-together.

"I uh... got'ya flowers.. s-since... I n'ver gave ya any before..." He muttered, holding them back up to Wallter as he avoided his gaze.

Wallter sighed, leaning down and taking the flowers. "Thanks..." He shrugged, glancing around for a second. "You know what, why don't you come in?" He hummed, Mark glancing up at him in slight surprise.

"R-Really? Ya' mean it?" Mark stutters, blushing a bit again to which Wallter nods. "Yeah, I mean... we haven't talked in a bit, so I was thinking we could catch up." He shrugged, "Plus, you're still attached to me, I can see it. So... maybe it would clear up your mind?" He added on.

Mark nodded, smiling as Wallter invited him in, the two sitting down on the couch.

Wallter had fixed them some tea, it wasn't really either of their favourite, but it would have to do if they wanted a drink they could both enjoy.

"How have you been holding up?" Wallter asked, sitting down beside Mark on the couch. "Been gettin' drunk." He admits, chuckling. "Jimmy's been keeping m' company." He added on, Wallter went to comment on his words but decided to stay quiet. "I've been... writing poetry." Wallter shrugs, Mark nods.

They both continue to awkwardly watch the TV. A few minutes later Mark shuffled a little closer to Wallter, to which he decided to shrug it off. Then a few minutes later, he shuffled closer again, all the way until they were shoulder to shoulder and practically thigh to... uh... oh. Oh dear.

Wallter was a bit... awkward feeling, but he just tried to ignore it as Mark kept glancing between the TV and him.

Mark was blushing intensely, almost wiggling in his seat from excitement, to which Wallter noticed, but he ignored it. As he ignored everything. Except for Mark. He paid attention to mark, but he tried his best to pass off his eagerness to be around him as... friendly... um. Feelings.

I don't know how to transition to this, so let's just say they locked eyes and then locked hands AND THEN LOCKED LIPS... MWEHEHEHEHHEHEHEHE!!!

So there they were, passionately making out on the couch as the TV droned on in the background. 

Mark eventually pulled away, a string of saliva connecting their lips. They were both insanely flushed, and Wallter was trying to tell himself it was just a one nightstand. Before he could finish his thoughts though, Mark was slamming his lips back against Wallters.

It didn't take too long for Wallter to yank his clothes off, their hands now drifting over eachothers bodies as he unscrews Marks stand, causing him to blush intensely. "W-Wallter..." He stutters.

Wallter bit his lip, moving his hand to the side to rummage through the side-table drawers, pulling out some lube and lubing up his meat... concrete-stick? Good fucking god I hate myself.

He pins Mark down to the couch, letting out a soft grunt as he lines up with his hole, both of them blushing intensely before he slowly pushes in, Mark letting out a loud high-pitched moan, wrapping his arms around Wallter. "M-More... m' wan't more..." He gasps, pulling Wallter closer to him.

Wallter lets out a soft groan, pushing deeper inside of him before eventually bottoming out, Mark panting underneath him and tightly gripping Wallter's back, leaving extremely faint engravings and chipping Mark's nails slightly. (Yea, I don't know. I'm watching The Click right now to keep my sanity up.)

Wallter eventually pulls out before slamming back in the full way, Mark moaning loudly and tearing up slightly, pulling him closer as Wallter starts to piston in and out of him.

Mark begs for more, both of them moaning eachothers names are the fuckging hasdsojdsk i need caffeine

Mark begs for more, both of them moaning eachothers name as Wallter absolutely fucking breeds Mark. Mark lets out loud whimpers and whines, begging for more and burying his face into Wallter's shoulder before they both eventually cum, once things die down they stare at eachother.

Mark's sweaty, limp, teary-eyed, and panting. He's gazing up at Wallter, absolutely dazed and glazed over with pleasure, basking in the afterglow.

Wallter's practically the same, staring down at him before leaning down, gently kissing his shoulder and licking some of the sweat from him, to which Mark lets out a small satisfied moan, pulling him closer.

Wallter chuckles a bit, pulling away. "You alright?" He asks softly, gently rubbing Mark's cheek, to which he nods tiredly, leaning into Wallter's touch.


He smiled softly, grabbing a cloth and cleaning the two up before carrying Mark to Wallter's room, setting him down on the bed and cuddling up to him.



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Wallter woke up with a yawn, stretching and shifting on his bed, feeling something beside him but shrugging it off, that was until the thing beside him spoke

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Wallter woke up with a yawn, stretching and shifting on his bed, feeling something beside him but shrugging it off, that was until the thing beside him spoke. "...Are ya' awake?" Said a voice, that sounded... a lot like Mark.


Wallter immediately sat up, glancing over at Mark and realizing the two of them were naked. "Oh my god... holy shit- Oh. What happened last night?" Wallter stuttered, getting a bit flustered to which Mark awkwardly glanced away, pursing his lips.

"Err... we... made out..." Mark shrugged, quite nervously.

The two then sat in silence for quite a bit before Wallter just sighed, getting up and getting dressed. "Just... just a one nightstand right?" He muttered.

Mark sat in silence.
Deep silence.
Awkward silence.
All the silence.
I'm bored okay?

"Y...Yeah... Just a... just a hookup." He chuckled a bit, glancing down at the floor.

That was all it really was anyway.
All it would ever be.


yeah you're right Wallmark shippers are allergic to happiness...
not me though

i love me a happy ending hurt/comfort fic!!

which is why this isnt the ending.

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