Or is it?

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fffcuck ff i feel so

markiplier jumpscare


Eventually, they find themselves separated once again.

Mark's at his house, Wallter's at his apartment, and everything is fucking dysfunctional as it was before. Uh, anyway. Trying to not pass out right now.

Mark was back at the diner, begging to be let back in and honestly maybe more wrecked than before, with Jimmy barely able to comfort him or get him upright. A nightstand? I give you flowers, you invite me into your home, take care of me, show me love, and you call it a nightstand? Just fucking great.

Mark's now sitting outside of the diner, propped up against one of the walls and sobbing into his knees. I forgot to put on that Markiplier video hold on. There we go.

Jimmy's there, of course. He always has been, always will be, always has to be. JimMark when? He was sat next to Mark, patting his back and attempting to comfort him. Nothing was really working, and Jim was being as patient as he could with Mark sobbing his eyes out over... concrete.

Jimmy let out a sigh, standing up and dragging Mark back to his house, who of course resisted, but Jim dragged him back anyway. "I just don' get what's wron' with him!" Mark hiccupped. "He was s'pposed ta love me..." He sniffled, to which Jimmy responded. "I'm sure he does... just... maybe he doesn't know how to show it... or- or he's repressing it?" He shrugged.

Mark just broke down and Jimmy huffed. "You know what? We're going back to him." He muttered, dragging the now protesting Mark down the sidewalk towards Wallter's apartment complex.


Wallter was sitting in his room, writing to himself before there was a knock at his door. "God damnit..." He sighed, getting up and walking over to the door, unlocking it and opening it. "Mark I swear to-"



Oh god.

Jimmy was standing in front of his door, holding up a teary-eyed Mark, who continued to push him towards Wallter. "He's your problem, you're his problem." Jimmy huffed, having enough of this shit and slamming the door.

Mark was clinging onto Wallter, sobbing and apologizing to him rapidly as Wallter just had to awkwardly comfort him, shushing him and trying to calm him down.

Eventually once Mark calmed down, Wallter placed him on the couch, preparing some tea once more and sitting down, though this time he wrapped a blanket around them, putting on some TV and allowing Mark to cuddle up to him.

Mark was still letting out small sniffles, clinging onto Wallter in a desperate need for his love. Wallter was just quietly rubbing Marks back, sipping from the cup of tea. 

Mark whimpered quietly, burying his face into Wallter's chest.

Wallter sighed "Are... you okay?" He tried to ask. "W-What d'ya think?" Mark hiccupped, still holding on to Wallter, who has gone silent, now just awkwardly staring at the TV. "...Say somethin'..." Mark muttered, glancing up to look at Wallter.

"I..." He began before going silent again. "I'm... sorry?" Wallter continued, a bit of a confused tone.

"Sorry for w-what?!" Mark hicced. "Sorry for playin' with m'feelings? Sorry for gettin' m'hopes up?" He sobbed slightly, his voice straining.

Wallter didn't reply.
He never did.
He couldn't.

"...Reply t'me Wallter." He huffed, teary-eyed and expectant. Wallter just looked down at him, a bit pained.

"I'm sorry, honey."


Honey? :O

Mark lit up a bit, glancing up at Wallter. He was visibly relaxing and Wallter brought his hands up to wipe Mark's tears.

"Just... it's getting late... you can stay over... and we'll talk about it more tomorrow, yeah?" He hummed, to which Mark nodded, cuddling into the other.


yea sorry for making wallter kinda bitchy but i kind of do see him as the type to be a fucking bitch and get slapped in the face with it laterU KDHASHDKDHKAHSDJAHS HELP

i literally passed out in the middle of watching Markiplier and woke up, hopped right back onto my computer, and got right back to writing

i love giving people heartattacks <3

would anyone be interested in a regretevator oneshot fic? i probably wont update it alot since im not very active on wattpad but... i could try????

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