The talk.

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i want to scare all of you half to death and then warm you back up again
i want you guys to feel pain and sorrow.


Do you ever spell something wrong, but nobody corrects you so you just deal with the embarrassment of knowing you spelt it wrong? Yeah. That has nothing to do with this chapter. Or this fic at all, I just can't get it out of my head.


The two were laying in bed the whole night, quietly talking to one another before eventually falling asleep in eachothers arms.

The next day... oh wait

Wallter woke up, getting up and starting his usual routine

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Wallter woke up, getting up and starting his usual routine. Eventually after that, Mark woke up, screwing his stand back on (Yeah, he sleeps naked when he doesn't have pajamas, I've decided that. I just love incorporating his screwy stand.) and slinking out of bed, yawning and stretching before sitting back down.

His head was a little fuzzy, maybe he got drunk again, he cant remember. But he does hear Wallter in the living room so he gets up and walks over, plopping down on the couch next to him.

"Good morning sleepyhead." Wallter hummed. "Mornin'..." Mark yawned, leaning against Wallter, who... wrapped his arm around him?! Mark was fucking ecstatic, I mean, who wouldn't be? Your fucking ex husband you have an insane dependency on is showing love to you? Crazy?!

But I guess that's coz Wallter's co-dependent. Yippee!

"So... you feeling a bit better?" Wallter asked quietly, glancing down at Mark who nodded. "A little... yer not g'nna just... keep eggin' me on, right?" He muttered quietly, looking up at Wallter. Wallter shook his head, pulling Mark closer. "I'm... sorry for what happened a few nights ago." He sighed. "I didn't mean to hurt you really... I just... guess I wasn't ready for anything yet." He shrugged.

I have no clue how to continue this!!! Bashing head into a wall!!!

Mark just nodded quietly, yawning a little. "S' alright..." He hummed, cuddling into Wallter. It's taking every single nerve in me to not just write bullshit here.

The two sat and watched TV for a while... and... I need caffeine. Be right back.

Fuck caffeine I need literally everything in my system >:(The two sat watching TV for a while, cuddling and quietly chatting as they would before

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Fuck caffeine I need literally everything in my system >:(

The two sat watching TV for a while, cuddling and quietly chatting as they would before. Then they eventually got to the talk.

"So... about... our relationship." Wallter started with a small sigh, Mark went silent, waiting for him to continue. "I was thinking... maybe we could try again?" He smiled softly. "I mean- especially considering how... messed up the divorce made you... maybe we could... take it a bit slower this time?" Wallter added on, Mark was transported to Mexico. "Really?!" Mark gasped, bouncing up and down a bit happily. (We love a stimming mannequin)

Wallter nodded to which Mark almost immediately pulled him into a soft and quick kiss, giggling and nuzzling into his chest.

Yeah then they had sex, I don't know?


disclaimer i feel high off my ass they didnt have sex i just didnt know wtf to write
yea anyway come back to the next chapter for sex

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