♦ Chapter 1 ♦ : Welcome to Seabrook High!

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Hello students at Seabrook high! Just a reminder that Zombies will now be attending here at the high school. I would like you all to know that any bullying, harassment, or discrimination against the Zombie students (or any students at all) will NOT be tolerated. That is all, the Zombies will be here shortly.


"Do these really think that announcement will stop these assholes from from being jerks to the Zombies? I mean come on they made that same announcement when us werewolves started going here and that shit still happens!" Willa ranted once the announcement was finished.

"Well I mean...at least they're...trying????" Wyatt said trying to reason with her. Willa just gave her twin a deadpan look.

"Well at least they are taking the first step and giving the Zombies more freedom! I bet it will be nice for them to go to an actual school!" Addison cheered. She was just happy that they even let Zombies into Seabrook High.

"Maybe some of the Zombies will try out for football! Its getting kinda lonely being the only monster on the team...." Wynter added in hopeful.

"Yea I guess..." Willa said, the deadpan look slowly fading away from her face.


That was the bell signaling that the Zombies were to finally here. Groups of Zombie students started piling in. There was a particular little trio that caught Addison's eye.

There were two males and one female.

One of the guys was tall and almost bulky, and he looked happy as he wore a trench coat. The other guy was leaner, with a serious expression on his face, and the girl had a fierce look in her eyes, as if she was ready to take on the world.

"Hey, Addison! Who are you staring at?" Bree asked, nudging her friend.

Addison snapped out of her thoughts and smiled. "Oh, just some new faces. I think those are the Zombies who will be joining us."

Bree followed Addison's gaze and nodded. "They look cool. We should go say hi!"

As they approached the trio, Addison could feel the excitement bubbling inside her. "Hi! I'm Addison, and this is Bree. Welcome to Seabrook High!"

The girl grinned widely. "Hey! I'm eliza, and this is Zed and bonzo. Thanks for the warm welcome!"

Zed nodded, his serious expression softening slightly. "It's good to be here. We're looking forward to making some new friends." He seemed to hesitate as he said it. As if he made sure to choose his words carefully.

Eliza crossed her arms and smirked. "Yeah, as long as you don't mind a little Zombie spice in your life."

Addison laughed. "We don't mind at all! In fact, we were just talking about how excited we are to have you here."

Wyatt, who had been standing nearby, walked over and joined the conversation. "Hey, I'm Wyatt. It's great to meet you all."

Zed's eyes met Wyatt's, and for a moment, there was a spark of something unspoken between them. Wyatt smiled warmly, and Zed felt his heart skip a beat.

"Nice to meet you, Wyatt," Zed said, his voice a little softer than before.

As the group, minus zed who stayed quiet, continued to chat and get to know each other, the bell rang again, signaling the start of classes. Addison turned to the Zombies with a smile. "We should probably get to class. Do you need any help finding your way around?"

Bonzo nodded eagerly, saying something in zombie.

"He said 'Yeah, that would be awesome!'" Eliza clarified

A Werewolf and a Zombie. Vol.1Where stories live. Discover now