"Our plan is working so well, I can't believe it!" Anna squeed falling back onto her bed.
"Neither can I." I chuckled laying next to her.
"I mean he so clearly likes you, obviously." She said sitting up and pulling her legs in front of her, turning her body towards me. I wouldn't say he "obviously" likes me, but, yeah there's a good chance that our plan is working.
"I wonder why he didn't tell you you were pretty when we were dating." She furrowed her brows. "I wouldn't have cared, you're my best friend and I talked about how pretty you are all the time." A blush formed across my cheeks.
"Maybe he didn't want you get jealous?" I thought getting up to search through the movies we had sitting out on the floor. It was The second Friday of the month, and therefore me and Anna's Annual Super Special Super Sickening Sleepover. We'd been having these sleepovers since we were nine and we gave it the named we gave it after I read A Separate Peace for fun in 7th grade after the Super Suicide Society of the Summer Session. I rifled through our movies, a selection ranging from The Little Mermaid to Insidious, and spotted my favorite movie of all time.
"We have to watch this." I said holding it up, a wide smile forming on my face.
"Scott Pilgrim? Okay, put it in!" She said sitting back.
I popped the movie in and sat back, lip synching to almost every scene and laughing at every joke. It wasn't until one of the final scenes of the movie I noticed my phone lighting up on the nightstand beside me.
"Hello?" I asked sitting back next to a clearly bored Anna.
"Who is this?" I asked the slurring voice on the other phone.
"It's.. Dawson."
"What the hell is wrong with you? Are you drunk?" I asked pausing the movie.
"Not drunk just... Happy. Really, really happy." He giggled hiccuping.
"What do you need, Dawson." At his name I felt Anna tense slightly beside me.
"Can you come pick me up? My D.D. Bailed with some bimbo." He hiccuped.
"Dawson, I-"
"Harley, please if I call my mom she'll kill me. Please, I'll never ask for anything ever... A-again."
I sighed looking over at Anna. "Hold on, Dawson." I said putting my phone down. "Anna, please know this will never happen again, but Dawson is extremely hammered and stranded. I can't just let him sit there."
"No, I know, I know. Harley, he may have screwed me over but I'm not an awful person. Go get him, I'll be waiting." She smiled.
I returned her smile and hugged her quickly.
"You're the greatest, I shouldn't be more than fourty-five minutes." I stood up and grabbed my phone heading out the door. "Dawson, you there?" I asked getting into my car.
"Yep, beautiful." He answered shakily.
"Where are you, I'm on my way."
"You know the old mill on the other side of town?" He asked hiccuping
"Dawson, you're kidding right? The old mill? Please tell me you're not that dumb."
The old mill was a place commonly invaded by teenage idiots looking for a place to party. Said parties often ended up getting raided by tons of cops resulting in many, many arrests. Kids got high and kids got hurt. We were always taught to never, ever go to the old mill. Ever.
"You're not my mother, Harley! I'll go where I want. And plus, I'm fine. Just buzzed." He said with a harsh edge to his voice.
"Okay, okay. I'm on my way. Just stay where you are and for the love of God do not move." With that I hung up and started the 20 minute drive across town.
When I got to the old mill it was, to say the least, difficult to find Dawson. Once I finally found him he was propped up against an old oak tree on the side of the mill."Harley!" He exclaimed giddily when he saw me. He attempted to stand up but I stopped him as soon as I reached him.
"Be careful, Dawson." I whispered setting him back down to the ground. "Just... Sit there for a bit, okay? You don't look good." And he didn't. Dawson looked pale and sick and I knew he was more than just "buzzed".
"Sit with me." He insisted pulling me down beside him. "I was just looking up at the stars." He said with a lazy smile. I looked up and saw a blanket of hundreds of thousands of bright stars and I smiled.
"They're beautiful." I grinned staring up at the sky.
"Almost as beautiful as you." He whispered. I looked over to see him staring at me intently. He grabbed my hand before opening his mouth, "you're amazing, Harley. You're so... Kind and funny and strong and..." He trailed off looking up at the sky.
"Dawson? Are you alright?" I asked sitting up and edging closer to him so that our bodies were touching. He was warm and his hands were dry. "We should get you ho-" I began. But before I could finish my statement something happened. Something I didn't think would happen, at least not so soon.
Dawson kissed me.
A/N- Hello, Darlings! I'm really proud of this chapter and I hope you guys like it! And ooh Dawson kissed Harley ooh... I really hope y'all like this chapter. This chapter is dedicated to dangerouslysmexy she has left many kind comments and I thank her for them ☺️ don't forget to vote, comment, and add to your library for to be updated when the story is!
Xoxo, Hailey

Little Heartbreaker(On Hold)
Teen Fiction"Well, what do you want me to do about it?" "I want you to break his fucking heart."