Chapter 3

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After chorus I made my way to my locker to drop off my books before going to lunch. But, to my surprise I had company. Annoying, gorgeous company.

"Hey, Harley." Dawson said walking up to my locker before he causally leaned against the locker neighboring mine.

"What do you want, Dawson?" I asked turning the dial of the lock in front of me.

"Okay so I'm here to discuss a problem with you."

"Oh really? Which one, there are so many?" Dear Lord what am I doing? I'm supposed to not only get on his good side but I'm also supposed to make him fall in love with me and my go to flirting mechanism is being snarky? But, to my surprise, he didn't seem that upset by my sass. In fact, he actually gave a small chuckle.

"Well, I know and Mr. Aaron knows that your one of the top students in his Lit class and I was wondering how you do it." He asked running his fingers through his sandy blonde hair.

I looked at him and raised an eyebrow. He wasn't failing Mr. Aaron's class again was he? It has been said by all that enter and exit that classroom that English Lit 11 is by far the easiest class you could take. Ever. And out of everyone in our high school it seemed that only one person ever failed it, that one person being none other than Dawson. I would have thought that since he was repeating the class he wouldn't need to come ask me questions but I'd thought wrong.

"Didn't you take it last year? Shouldn't it be easier your second time around?" I asked placing my books in my locker and shutting the door.

"Well, yeah that's what I thought but I just don't know what to do."

"Um, read the damn books. Cliff-notes can only help you so much. Especially since he checks out those websites."

"I try to read them but I get so distracted and before I know it we're taking the book test."

I understood what he meant. It wasn't hard to be distracted from those books considering we read nothing particularly exciting.

"Look, I know after what happened with Anna you probably don't want to help me but, Jesus Christ, Harley if I don't pass this class I don't graduate. If I don't graduate I don't get to leave this God forsaken town. Please, Harley, you've got to help me." I was about to hit him with a sassy comeback but when I looked into his eyes I just couldn't. And the more I thought about it the better the idea of tutoring him seemed. More time to get him to fall for me. Just him and me with no interruptions.

"Sure. Why not." I said smiling at him. He smiled wide and wrapped me up into a large hug whispering thank you's into my ear, making my heart beat faster and faster with every passing whisper. "No problem, Dawson." He pulled away a large smile on his face.

"You're the best." He said before walking off to lunch and leaving me alone with my thoughts.

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