When I got home Dawson was still sound asleep, and half of me felt like leaving him there.
"Dawson." I said nudging him gently. "Dawson." I repeated a bit louder getting nothing but a small snore in response. "Okay fine." I said turning on the radio. Without warning I turned the radio volume to full blast. Needless to say, Dawson woke up with a start.
"What the fuck, Harley?" He groaned holding onto his head. I laughed turning the radio off.
"I tried waking you." I smirked getting out of the car.
"You're a bitch." He grumbled getting out of the car still holding onto his head.
"Aww does someone have a hangover?" I asked sweetly before slamming the door to the car.
"Harley!" He whined.
"What?" I asked walking up to the front door. I took out my keys and started playing around with the lock. A minute later I could feel Dawson's breath on the back of my neck and I remembered the events that had unfolded over the past hour; the kiss, his "confession", my confused state on the drive home. I got so flustered thinking about it that I dropped my keys.
I bent down and picked them up, when I stood up I felt Dawson's body pressed closer to mine. I just wanted to get into the fricking house already. I unlocked the door and pushed my way inside.
When I walked into the living room I saw Anna sleeping soundly on the couch and I frowned. I felt awful. Tonight was our night and I blew her off. I mean, sure I left with good intentions but in the end I made out with the person she hated more than anything.
"She's always been such a pretty sleeper." And I totally forgot he was still here. "She's kind of like a real life Disney princess." He smiled. And I knew he didn't mean what he said at the mill. It was in the way he looked at her. And I thought that maybe he'd loved her all along. Maybe instead of destroying Dawson I could get him and Anna back together.
"Where's your room?" He asked heading towards the stairs.
"My room?" I asked incredulously. Did he think he was sleeping in my room with me?
"Yeah?" He asked stopping in front of the stairs and looking at me. "Where did you think I would sleep?" He smirked.
"Dawson, you aren't sleeping in my room. Especially not with Anna down here." I replied furrowing my brow.
"Come on, Harley." He said coming closer to me. "And who said anything about sleeping?" He smiled smugly.
"Guest bedroom is the first door on the left." I groaned walking past him.
All I wanted to do was go to bed at this point.
"Okay, fine." He called after me. "Goodnight, Harley."
"Goodnight, Dawson." I said before shutting the door to my room, leaving him on the other side.
A/N- lol I haven't updated in over a month oops

Little Heartbreaker(On Hold)
Teen Fiction"Well, what do you want me to do about it?" "I want you to break his fucking heart."