Beautiful Monster

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Chapter 13: Beautiful Monster

"Chair number one! Is... Bae! Miu lost her chair."

Bae took her seat. "You don't like MY thighs, Gaeul?"

"I mean... I'm not going to say no, if they were closer..."

"Chair number two! Is... Soodam! She is now owner of chair 2."

Soodam just stayed in her chair. "I always end up with some random girl on my lap... What even is this night?"

"Chair number three! Is... Sua!"

Sua took her seat.

Karina held a photocard above Bae, "Chaeyoung! That should be an interesting pair."

Isa sat straddling Bae, facing her, from the beginning, ready for business.

Karina held up a card above Soodam's head. "Gaeul! Oh, wow..."

Gaeul hastily jumped onto Soodam's lap. She straddled facing her as well.

"Wow..." said Karina, "just wow..."

She flipped the last card, "Sua's partner is...Miu!"

Miu sat on Sua's lap, not excited about going against Isa, Soodam, and Gaeul.

Karina said, "Yena! Pick a group to interfere with!"

Yena said... "Oh... Miu or Bae... or try to help Soodam and Gaeul win so that I definitely get Miu or Bae next round... What to do......."

Yena thought for a bit, "I pick... Isa and Bae." She walked over to their chair.

Karina wandered off to the light switch.

Heejin whispered to Yeji, "She's going to let this one go a LOOOONG time."

Yeji nodded.

Karina said, "Flipping the switch in three... two... one..." She paused for a few seconds. Then she flipped it.

Gaeul and Soodam started kissing passionately. Gaeul pressed her body weight against Soodam and used her hands to feel all over Soodam's leggings. The hotter she got, the more she tried to get her hands under the leggings, but it was difficult because of the chair.

Soodam managed to get Gaeul's shirt off, which was still hanging on for dear life, throwing it aside, hoping that would get them some points. She felt all over Gaeul's back and occasionally wandered her hands to her butt, but was too shy to do anything meaningful there.

Isa was ready to attack Bae, but Bae was a bit shy about it and Yena had other plans. Isa just leaned forward for their first lip contact when Yena wrapped her arms around Isa's waist and pulled her off of Bae. Yena went right for Isa's Jeans, unbuckling her belt and zipper. Isa understood what she was doing, and took a second to help Yena get them off. When they were around Isa's ankles, she had a difficult time getting them all the way off, and Yena spun around and jumped onto Bae's lap. Yena pulled up Bae's tube top, grabbed a boob and latched on to her neck with her other arm and kissed her passionately.

Isa felt around, trying to figure out what just happened. She determined that Yena was sitting sideways across Bae's lap. She couldn't really get to Bae, so the best thing she could do was make Yena regret what she just did. She knelt behind Yena, unfastened her bra and one arm at a time managed to get her out of it and throw it aside. She then grabbed both of Yena's boobs from behind, massaging them and kissing Yena's neck.

Not on a chair... Heejin attacked Yeji, putting her hands under the tube top, rolling her over onto the floor and then attacking her mouth with her tongue. They rolled around on the carpet like that for quite a while.

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