Isa and Gaeul Finally Get... Chicken in the Bathroom

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Chapter 14: Isa and Gaeul Finally Get Chicken in the Bathroom

The girls stared in silence as Gaeul gently kissed Isa. It wasn't clear if it was actually cooling her down, or if it was the evil genius torturing her. In any case, after a few minutes, Gaeul got up, and then helped Isa get up as well. Isa went and took a spot around the carpet.

Karina moved the last two chairs off of the carpet.

"No chairs?" asked Yena.

"Nope, the three of you sit on the carpet in a triangle facing each other, just barely not touching."

Yena and Bae sat cross-legged, knees touching and then they moved a bit apart. Gaeul sat down, Yena and Bae both staring at her panties as she did.

"What are you looking at?" asked Gaeul.

Bae said loudly, "YOU!"

Karina said, "For the last round, we are going to keep the lights on so everyone can watch."

The audience clapped, except for Isa. She sighed and put her forehead down flat on the carpet.

"I'm going to set a timer for a set period of time, say 'go' and then when the timer goes off, the game is over. I don't want to be accused of having favorites," explained Karina.

Bae and Yena were looking at each other intently.

Gaeul said, "These two are communicating with their eyes, let's get on with it."

Yeji said, "Uhoh, the evil genius might have met her match."

Karina grabbed her phone again and set the timer. "Three... two... one... ... ... GO!"

Bae stayed still, but Yena got up on her knees, kissed Gaeul and unfastened her bra discarding it. Gaeul was a bit shocked it was Yena being the aggressor. Yena put her entire body weight against Gaeul, tipping her over backwards. Bae then sprung into action, grabbing both of Gaeul's ankles and pulling her legs straight. Yena grabbed both of Gaeul's wrists, pulled her arms above her head and then sat on them.

Then all 170 cm of Bae sat on Gaeul's knees. Yena and Bae gave each other a high-five and then went to work. Yena kissed Gaeul upside down while Bae tickled her sides. The giggling and squirming made it difficult to kiss her, so Yena bent down and grabbed one boob with her hand and licked the other one. Bae stopped tickling her and started rubbing her hands up and down Gaeul's thighs. Gaeul stopped giggling and squirming and just moaned in pleasure.

Isa couldn't handle it anymore, she stood up and turned her back to the action, occasionally pacing next to the carpet. Gaeul couldn't do anything except moan and occasionally curse. Bae kept getting more and more adventurous with both hands around Gaeul's panties.

Yena decided to give Bae her moment. She grabbed Gaeul's hands and pulled her up to a sitting position. Gaeul was tired and horny and didn't resist at all. Bae still running one hand around Gaeul's thigh right at her crotch and the other on her butt under her leg – Yena kissed Gaeul as well. Yena kept her hands on Gaeul's breasts, giving them a good massage.

Finally, the timer went off. Yena let go and crawled away. Bae stopped kissing her and 'accidently' brushed her crotch with her hand at the last second before letting go. Gaeul collapsed in a heap of tired arms and legs.

Karina said, "Bae wins!"

Isa came back to the carpet and sat down next to Gaeul. She pet her head and played with her hair. "You're a mess..."

After a few minutes, Gaeul recovered a bit and sat up, putting her head on Isa's shoulder.

Out of nowhere, Yena jumped on Bae's lap and started passionately kissing her and playing with her chest. Bae exclaimed, "What the fuck?"

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