Chapter Three: Training Wheels

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Jo was woken by Sunny opening the door. She slowly sat up, and accidently hit her head on the top bunk. Rubbing her forehead, she asked, "Where were you last night?"

Sunny looked over at her and yawned. "I had to pull another night shift in the infirmary since I'm going to be training for the next couple of weeks."

Jo pulled the covers off of her legs and scooted down the bed. Stretching her arms, she walked over to her dresser.

"They can't keep using you like this, I mean you need sleep!" She said, throwing on some yoga pants and a sweatshirt.

Sunny sighed and then gave a small smile. "At least they're letting me train this year. Anyways, enough about that. It's breakfast and I'm starving."

"Yeah, I am too." They both started out the on the pathway to the cafeteria. Jo spotted Laena a couple paces ahead of them.

"Laena!"Jo shouted to her.

She turned around and smiled, her brunette hair swinging behind her. When she first got to Ramona, Jo had felt intimidated by Laena. She thought that Laena looked like a goddess. She learned what her power was, and kept her distance. But now, getting to know her, Jo realized that Laena really wasn't all that she seemed.

Laena stepped off of the trail and waited for the girls to catch up. "Are you guys ready for training? I'm kind of excited now, considering it's like a right of passage at camp to be a trainer."

Sunny smiled. "I know what you mean. I am super excited to train."

Jo smiled at the friendship that was being formed right in front of her eyes. She kinda wished that she was an extrovert like Sunny, but she probably will never be. "I am just glad that I got you guys as trainers!"

They all walked into the already busy cafeteria, and got in line. Once they had their food, they all went to sit down at their table. None of the boys were speaking, they all looked too tired. All of the girls were smiling and laughing though, so that must have woken the boys up a little.

Reed chuckled at Laena. "What's gotten into you?"

Laena shrugged. "I realized what a downer I was being." She laid her head on his shoulder.

Hmm... Jo thought. Those two would make a cute couple.

She continued to eat her food and kept to herself, glancing up once and awhile to try to keep up with the many conversations around her.

Once everyone was finished, they all got up to start training. Jo followed the group down the narrow pathway that lead to training hall.

"Okay guys! Are you ready for your first day of training?" Reed shouted. Everyone groaned in unison as we walked in the large building.

"How this is gonna work is that there will be two segments, group training and then one-on-one training. We will be focusing on both the mental and physical aspects of your powers, and looking for ways that we can strengthen them. We will also be talking about different situations you might run into where you can use your power, and what you do if it goes wrong. Director Morgan will probably be in here some of the time, but don't get intimidated, just do your best." Laena explained.

Jo nodded as Laena spoke, she already knew half of the stuff that was going down today, she wasn't entirely paying attention. She started to look around the room. Jo looked at the equipment that she had use plenty of times over the course of her six years at camp.

Reed must have caught on that she wasn't paying much attention anymore, because he called her out. "Hey Jo, who are you individually training with?"

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