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○○○ Chapter 26 –  Confession part- 1  ○○○

Their table is at the rooftop. It was decorated like a date which confused both of them.

"I guess you brought us to the wrong table Mr...Yun." Taehyung said to the manager looking at his nameplate.

"Are you both Mr. Kim Taehyung And Mrs.. Kim Jisoo?" Manager asked.

Jisoo blushed hearing herself get addressed as 'Mrs.' while Taehyung glared at the manager.

"It's Mr. Taehyung and ms. Jisoo." He corrected him but the manager just shrugged and said.

"Mr. Jimin and ms. Jiya told us to prepare this only. She told us it's your blind date so everything is perfect." The manager spilled the truth making jisoo's eyes wide and Taehyung to huff in anger knowing he got caught in the trap of his friend.

There is a awkward silence between the two since half an hour.

Taehyung is planning to murder someone while jisoo don't know what to do or what to feel.

She is fucking on a blind date!!! With the person she loves!!

Internally she is ebullient but to say about her appearance at this moment she is extremely nervous.

But as the moment was passing, the environment around them was turning more awkward. Till when they gonna play dumb charades? It's not like they are strangers who only met for first time on blind date.

Since Jisoo realised her feelings, she also concluded that no matter how much she tries to push these feelings away, it will only grow. She also learnt, It's not bad to surrender yourself against love.

That day she also decided to make Taehyung fall for her. Even it takes her last breath.

While Taehyung on the other side was finding way to get out of this situation. He suddenly realised his will also should be considers.

Dinner was placed on the table already and both the beings decided to dig in. Who doesn't loves food? No matter how grumpy or angry you are you should not ignore food.

(A/n - for author it's vice-versa. If you're angry show them with ignoring your food 😫 so dumb of me🤦🏻‍♀️)

"Sir!" Jisoo call out loud.

"Hm?" Taehyung looked at her in confusion while jisoo was finding some topic to initiate the convo.

"Isn't weather is nice today?" She asked while her body language was telling otherwise. Outside weather was chilly with freezing cold breezes and the fact of being on rooftop was also not helping and then the material of jisoo's gown.

Speaking simply, she is shivering like hell.

Taehyung shook his head on her sillyness. Unknowingly remembering the feisty and wild as a lioness jisoo was at the beginning of office days. It would be wrong to say Taehyung didn't notice a change of behaviour in jisoo from the start of office days till now.

There was an instant urge to protect her from freezing cold in him, Until, Taehyung noticed something which irked him the most.

He noticed a person one or two tables apart was shamelessly taking pictures of jisoo's back without any halt. Taehyung's knuckles crackled when he clenched his fist tightly while his jaw also clenched too. Without wasting he jolt up from his seat ready to throw a punch on that person's face and he did.

Shocking jisoo and every other person present at the rooftop.

"HOW DARE YOU!!! HOW DARE YOU TO TAKE PICTURES OF HER!!! DELETE IT RIGHT AWAY OR FACE YOUR DEATH!!!" He shouted but didn't give any time to that man to do anything because of the countless attacks he was giving.

Jisoo ran to him seeing his uncontrollable rage, she don't know how to calm this fire.

"Sir! Sir please leave him!! He might die." She grabbed his biceps and he somehow stopped. Leaving the half paralyzed person loathed in his own blood on the table. He snatched that person's phone from his hand and scrolled in the gallery.

Indeed there was alot of pictures of jisoo since they arrived there. He deleted all of them and glanced in the surrounding.

"Don't anyone dare to voice out this matter. Or else you will face the recent me." He warned them and they all nodded, gulping nervously like god of death is just infront of them.

With that, he grasp her hand pulling her away from there with him.

Taehyung remove his coat and hanged on jisoo's both shoulder letting all the warmth engulf her. Jisoo's cheeks started burning because of this sudden gesture.

His warmth and faint scent of his cologne is lingering in her mind, making her face to plaster a shy smile.

He dragged her with him without saying anything to his car.

"Get inside." He said in his deep magnetic voice making her to come out of trance. She noticed they are in parking lot.

Both of them went inside the car. And soon the car started running on the highway.

"Who told you to wear this much exposing dress in this chilled weather!!" He asked more like yelled lookikg straightly on the wide road.

Jisoo came out from her dreams hearing him and she remembered who told her to wear this type of dress. She then glanced Taehyung and immediately turned her face looking out from window to hide her wide grin.

Thank you so much jiyu aish you helped me so much. Mr. Kim never reacted this way before. Then,.. Is he perhaps jealous?

Jisoo can't be more content thinking these all and praying her thoughts to be true.

"Am i asking you something ms. Kim."

Jisoo who was smiling now clicked her tongue in annoyance after hearing 'ms. Kim.' rolling her eyes. Yeah, she now head over heels on him but that doesn't means she can't dominate him. And right now someone indeed deserves a punishment.

She turned to face him and unbuckled her seatbelt staring into him intensely with a stoic face while Taehyung who heard shuffling noise from beside him thought to glance there but within a second his cheeks got cupped by the girl beside him and his lips were claimed by the other.

Taehyung's pupils dilated when this struck in his mind what was happening but his hand were froze on steering wheel. Taehyung immediately pull the gair for stopping the car to prevent them to fall in any unexpected situation ahead. And tried pull out his face from jisoo's grip which was getting tighter.

Jisoo who was so lost in her first kiss forgot that this is not a right timing and all her dream of marrying to her dreamman got crashed within a second. But punishment is also necessary so she bitted his lips, sunking her teeth until she felt metallic taste of blood on her.  And then finding left him.

Taehyung who was still trying to process all this hissed in pain and took out his handkerchief to less the pain on his lips.

"Are you seriously mad!!!" He bursted, shrieking on his seat opening the seatbelt.

While jisoo gave the most innocent puppy look to him and shrugged nonchalantly, indirectly saying think whatever you want to think, i already did what i had to do.


I'm stopping it till here only. I want to write more coz after so many I'm back but it is what it is. Continuation of this chp perhaps tomorrow? Idts, maybe.

And yeah about my book (SINFUL ADDICTION) it got deleted by the main acc of WATTPAD because of  violation of some rules.

I don't have any idea which rules 🙎🏻‍♀️ I'm really upset bcoz of it cause i had so many ideas but i guess i can put it in my next book.

Apparently they are deleting stories cause of these rules so i request you all to not use F word in comment section or else this book might also ... U know.. and I don't want my hardwork to go in vain ... Please i request 🙏🏻u all not use curse word but you all can use replacive of those words😏 like b*tch = female rotten version of bloodsucker. And so on.

As u want ...


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