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tears brim her eyes. "sorry, liam.. i can't do that. sorry." she apologizes, wiping the corners.

i fucking hate when she says she's sorry for her feelings for stupid fucking things that don't ever need apologies. i stand up and wanted to kiss her, yet hindi ko gagawin of course. magkaibigan kami.

"shh, you can cry if it hurts, shyera. it doesn't make you a little girl."

she lets out a deep breath. and her arms tighten around me. she places her forehead on my chest.

it was as if at that moment, i could see just how enthralling she was. as if i needed glasses my entire life and now after getting them, i could finally see. she was the most beautiful woman i had ever seen in my life. it was a beauty that was unique to not remember.

softly, i caressed her bottom lip as she closed her eyes. her long eyelashes cast a shadow on her cheeks.

"look at me, shyera." i said.

she pulls her eyes open and peered at me with those chocolate eyes that always stared into my soul when she was hugging me.

she looked at me like how my mother once looked at my father. how all of the bad seemed to flee from her mind just so she could hold on to the good. that look that shyera and my mother shared was equivalent to that of an addict. as if they were no different from the people scavenging for drugs or alcohol, they would go through all the physical, emotional, mental pain in the world just to achieve that climax of love - their ultimate high and dose of dopamine. just like me, their addiction made me feel - feel hope, feel loved, feel alive. damn you, shyera..

"shyera, how about let's go to the church. i know it's your favorite and safe place. i believe that when you pray, it has a way of bringing calmness to your soul." i suggested, genuinely aware of the solace and peace it brings her.

"oh... tara" she agreed. i could see the joy in her eyes when I mentioned going to the church. it's evident that she truly longs to visit and pray there. i love how she faithfully engages in this practice every day, despite not being religious. she's a woman of God.

shyera and i quietly entered the serene sanctuary of the church, the soft glow of candlelight casting a warm ambiance. as we approached the altar, i observed a peaceful serenity wash over shyera's face. she closed her eyes, clasped her hands together, and took a deep breath, preparing to engage in prayer.

in that sacred space, i marveled at shyera's trust and belief in God. her faith was not just a mere ritual, but a profound connection that anchored her in times of joy and sorrow. shyera opened her eyes, a serene smile gracing her lips. it was clear that her time in the church had brought her the solace and clarity she sought.

as I stood beside her, i couldn't help but be moved by her genuine devotion. the sincerity in her prayers was evident, as she poured out her heart, seeking guidance and solace from the divine presence she believed in so deeply. it was as if the weight of the world lifted from her shoulders as she surrendered her burdens to God.

i witnessed the depth of Shyera's faith. her connection to God was palpable, as if an invisible thread bound her heart to the divine. with each word she uttered, her voice resonated with unwavering conviction, pouring out her hopes, fears, and gratitude.

oh God, how i love this woman.

and i was even more head over heels in love with her when i saw her lifting her hands to God, crying and praying to God with all her heart, as if she was surrendering all to HIM, to God.

Lethal Love: A Killer's Obsession Where stories live. Discover now