kabanata dos

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Liam's POV:

Before i was denounced for the murder of Mr. Lorenzo Clavecilla.

After laying down, inches away from the lifeless corpse of Lorenzo. I was being drenched by my own blood and the rain. I really couldn't believe i did such thing...

Hearing the imminent thoughts coursing through my head, I couldn't stay calm for everything i had done. The very thing i swore not to do, Just because i let my rage consume me, And take justice in my own hands. Now... it's just stained by the blood of another man.

I stood up and reached for my phone and walked away limply, I was having rabid panic attacks that i didn't know what to do.

I grabbed my phone and called for Samiara immediately. I was shaking crazily, Frightened of what i was capable of.

"S-Samiara..?"I said whilst mumbling.

"Liam..? Why are you calling me in the middle of the night?" Samiara confusingly questions.

"C-Can you come here quickly... I-Im on Limasawa Park..." I said.


"Just come here please!- I-I'll tell you everything..." I cut her words off.

I ended the call and dropped my phone without my knowing. I scanned the area if i could find something that i could use to cover up Lorenzo's body, But the heavy rain just added up to the difficulty.

After scrounging the park for something, i found several garbage bags. I ran back to Lorenzo's body and knelt down immediately, i used it as a cover to his head and planted it on his body. Laying down on the grass while i was waiting for Samiara's arrival.

*After what seemed like an eternity, i couldn't contain my emotions when i heard a car stop by, i knew it was Samiara's. But i couldn't bring myself to stand up as i was deeply beaten up and exhausted.

She walked over to me and what she thought seemed like a body that has been covered up, she checks on me and wonders why i was in that condition.

"Holy shit Liam!- W-What happened to you?!-" Sami said with a tone of concern.

"Okay lang ako... don't panic, l-let me explain." I said while trying to calm her down.

It was time to unveil the truth.

"Sami... i killed Lorenzo." I couldn't lie to her.

She stared at me astonishment, Di nya lubos akalain na kaya kong gawin yun.

"Liam... what the fuck are you saying..?" She still wouldn't believe me.

"Don't tell Suera... i-i don't want her to be involved in such stupidity i let myself into..." I said, i still wouldn't care about the aftermath of my actions.

"What are you planning to do...?" Sami said, she was still flabbergasted by this whole event.

I still didn't know what to do... i stained my hands with blood, i let violence overcome me.

oh Lord... forgive me, i'm sorry... Shyera.

Getting rid of Lorenzo's body...

Lethal Love: A Killer's Obsession Where stories live. Discover now