3 - I am.....I am.....

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Hello dearies.....

I am back with another update.

I am not going to say anything.

Let's jump into the chapter.

Happy Reading.....


The next morning, as Sanjay came back from his morning exercise, Vicky was coercing himself to tell his father about his decision.

Sanjay:"Are you sure about this, Vicky?"

Vicky:"200 percent."

Sanjay:"All right, wait for me. I'll be back in a short while."

When the brothers entered the backyard, they discovered their parents and a couple were having a conversation.

Vicky:"Dad, I need to tell you something importa....." but he stopped there when he saw the couple seated across their parents.

Sanjay scowled as he observed his brother motionless, standing there like a statue. He is not everting his eye from the couple, who are grinning knowingly at him.

Mohan:"Come, Vicky. Meet your grandfather and soon-to-be in-laws." Vicky was brought back to reality by Sanjay elbowing him in ribs. Vicky walked in their direction absent mindedly. "Nanna, here is my elder son Vikram Raj and this is my younger one Sanjay Raj. Sanjay will shortly take over my business, and Vikram runs his own gaming software company."

Mohan proudly introduced his sons to his father who gave his grandsons an intense hug right away.


KrishnaRaj:"I lost my right as my grandfather in their life due to my ego."

Revathi:"Mavayya, let go of the time that was lost. Now think of the present where they are Infront of you. From now onwards all the important rituals of your grandsons will start by your hands." That increased his guilt even more for not accepting a DIL like her.

Mohan dragged their sons towards the couple.

Mohan:"Raghu ,finally meet your nephews." Sanjay was the first one to greet them, that is when he noticed his Attayya was sitting in a wheelchair. "Vicky, go and meet them. They are very excited and eager than Swetha to meet you."

Seeing Vicky stuck in his place, Raghupati himself went to him.

Raghupati:"Atlast you achieved your dream, my boy." He proudly patted his back confusing everyone except his wife.

Mohan:"You are talking as if you know his dream before."

Raghupati:"I know him enough to say that no one can be as good as him for my Darling Daughter. What do you say, Seetha?" Raghu looked at his wife Seetha who smiled agreeing with him. "From the time we got married, the only thing my wife and FIL asked from me is to get you and my daughter married and I accepted immediately seeing there is no reason to say no to their wish." Everyone are looking at them in confusion "I will explain everything later....." he then turned to Vicky "BTW, you were here to say something important to your father, right?"

Mohan:"Yeah, what is that, Vicky."

Sanjay's breathing fastened due to anxiety looking at his brother who was ready to utter the words that may destroy everyone's happiness in an instance. 

Vicky:"I am.....I am....."


Vicky closed his eyes while Sanjay's eyes are passing from one to another analyzing their expressions, but the words came out of his brother's mouth literally made him feel like someone hit his head hard with a huge boulder.

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