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Weeks before Kayatsya received the letter from Irma....

"Irma, what are we doing here again?" Asked Kayatsya.

"Forgot already?" Irma replied, in a serious tone.

"Oh right... Wait, why, and how exactly?"

"Don't worry about it."

They both enter Irma's dark, gloomy basement, and there laid a young man tied up. On a metal "bed", strapped to it with no escape. He had his mouth taped, the poor boy was muffling and mumbling about something, unfortunately- they couldn't understand what he was trying to say.

"Remember him?" asked Irma.

"Lukasz? What'd he ever done to us? Er- you?" Kayatsya recognized him, though she didn't quite understand why Irma would choose Lukasz as the victim. "And I don't think this is necessary."

"No no, this is essential. Also, can you hand over the chainsaw on your right to me." Irma said, as she approached Lukasz. Looking more and more panicked than before (Lukasz) , "Thanks."

"Your Welcome? Ok wait, why do you need that-" Asked Kayatsya, frantically.

"I thought you'd figure it out already by now." She replied. "You know me a lot. Maybe Leon was right, I've changed significantly."

Irma activated the chainsaw, Kayatsya hated how excruciatingly loud the chainsaw was. She heard Irma mutter something, as if she was telling the poor boy to keep silent. She raised her arms and slowly inserted the chainsaw into Lukasz's head. His cries were slightly silenced by the noise released from the chainsaw.

Kayatsya just stood still in shock as she continued watching Irma cut the boy in half, disturbed and in disbelief. Knowing the type of person Irma is, it was surprising to see her this violent. But people change, and so would Irma and herself. Either way, what Irma's doing was unacceptable. It was uncomfortable and unsettling for Kayatsya to just stand there and do nothing, but Lukasz was dead by now. Not moving, completely still and quiet. The screams had finally stopped.

And so has Irma.

"Anyways, I need you to dispose of this body...hellooo?"

"Oh, sorry, I was just shocked for a moment there.." Kayatsya nervously said. "Maybe you can deal with that yourself?.."

"You heard me once, I won't repeat it twice."

Without a second or third option, Kayatsya had to accept Irma's request. Together they buried the body and burned the soil. Irma had showed no emotion whatsoever, no guilt nor satisfaction. In the mean time, Kayatsya just looked at the bright flame building up. She took a deep breath and looked at Irma, with disappointment on her face. Irma replied with a smirk and walked away, leaving Kayatsya all alone.

Once again. As she always was.

So this is how Irma treats her friends nowadays, she sure has changed. And it's not a positive one.


Chaizya, Karl, Louis, and Lukasz... 20 people left. All 4 of them died during the same month, I could definitely take down the others in less than 4 months then. Marceau was captured 2 years ago and is still under my control. Though I still don't plan on killing him immediately, I still need Marceau to be used as my tool to threaten those three...




Unfortunately, Archie has surrendered, threatening him with the death of his best friend won't work anymore. What a coward. Armeni, my former idol, doesn't have any intentions to even join the war. No matter how extreme it is, no matter the amount of casualties, she would never care enough to take action. Kayatsya, despite her emotionless look and intimidating aura, is possibly the only sympathetic one out of the three. But she cares more about herself, her children, and her people. And has less interest in the death of Marceau, well, at least that is the case now. They never were friends to begin with anyways. Why would she care.

Leon is too dependent on me, I have no idea how he even got the title Leader in the Kingdom of Libentia. Or whatever that country of his is called. I the name 'Treuesreich' would fit better. Uso on the other hand, is far more independent, I don't think she even requires my help. When I'm done with Diataraxi (a continent), I'll definitely help Uso take over all of Asmenoi (a continent) as a sign of gratitude.

As long as Armeni does not get involved with the war, everything will be fine. For me.

My people are happier than ever, and I'm glad to see that. After the huge loss against Marceau 12 years ago, when the Treuesreich was not under my control. At least, not yet. Our soldiers had to be reduced from 20 million men, to-

Oh, It's 3pm already, I have a conference to attend to. In a war, a time off is something sure to be thankful of. Guess I'll head off.

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