Chapter 7: "Fix It"

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So a few weeks had past since (Name) learned of her curse and she had returned to her job of reaping souls and avoiding contact with anyone except Undertaker. In these weeks, Undertakers guilt got the best of him, so he'd been searching relentlessly for a cure. And, after a while, he did find one. The only problem was, to lift the curse, you'd need to kill the person who placed it. So, he'd have to track down the doctor's wife....great. Meanwhile, poor (Name) was dealing with some emotions and physical changes. She knew she actually loved one of the guys who had fallen for her...the problem was, she couldn't know for sure if he returned her feelings, or it was just the curse. The markings were also covering more and more of her body with a black substance, and her eyes were turning darker each day. She was getting worse and worse, and Undertaker was trying so hard to find the woman who caused this to save his loved one. One day, (Name) had gone on her daily soul reaping. Soon, she reached an old abandoned house in the middle of a forest. She looked at the paper in her hand that had all the information on the person who was about to die. "Carla Jeager..." She read. (A/N complain all you want, but this was the only doctor with a wife who I could think of...although she died but whatever just bear with me) (Name) stepped inside to find an old woman, sitting over a cauldron stirring something. She was breathing with a lot of difficulty, and looked about ready to just fall and die. So, with what little sympathy (Name) had, she decided to at least make this woman's last moments comfortable. She carried her of to a small bed in the house, and laid her down. She then took out her scythe. (Name) sighed, looking down at the clearly suffering woman. "I know it's againt the rules to kill her, but this is just pathetic" and with that (Name) did the woman a favor a just killed her. Suddenly, a feeling of weight being lifted off her shoulders hit (Name). The darkness disappeared on her skin, and her eyes regained their original color. "What. The. Hell?!" She yelled happily just as someone ran into the small house. "Oh er...well seems you figured it out..." Undertaker laughed. "Wait...we gotta see if it worked!!" (Name) yelled, and ran out. She was planing something big, she just had to know if she was free or not.

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