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What is love? A four letter word. So short in writing but large in meaning. What is love? that feeling you get when you see her face? the feeling you get when you feel her grace?
What is love? Just another heartache, waiting? Or hope hidden behind a canvas of emotions?
What is love? just a word? just a tool?
just something that people say and abuse. Did we do it out of love? If so why does it hurt? Why do i feel all of this pain.
What is love? is it when I held her when no one else was there?
what is love? is it the way i ran my fingers through your hair?
what is love? is it the moments i was with you at your lows?
if so, how come your gone, but i wont pretend that i dont know. we had our fights, and words were said, for your forgiveness i no longer beg. i love you, forever, and that wont change.. but for us? our fates have surely changed. As have I, as you will see, i'm much more open then I used to be, i was at my lowest, the low of the low, but i dont need to tell you, you already know. I'm sorry I was distant, i'm sorry I was an ass. I'm sorry i was rude, i'm sorry i showed no class. But most of all I'm sorry for making you feel like less then you deserve.
what is love, I ask. Because I don't seem to know.

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