Chap.3 *Harry's P.O.V*

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I stepped into my car and turned the ignition on before i was flying down Leigha's street towards my house. 

After a twenty minute drive towards my house i finally pulled up in front of the large mansion. I share my house with a couple of my best mates, Niall, Louis, Liam, and Zayn. The house was originally Zayns grandfathers but he passed away and since Zayn's mom and dad had died when he was only two, they gave the house to Zayn. Zayn's grandfather also runs the biggest drug dealing business in the UK right now, or he did. Zayns grandfathers dying wish was for Zayn to keep the business going, so that's what he did. He had asked me and the other boys to help him with running it so that's where we are now, running the biggest drug dealing business in the UK. Maybe it was a stupid decision for me to take part in something so illegal, but i need the money and you gotta do what you gotta do, right?

I opened the door to my car and stepped into the cold winter air. I walked up the path to my house and took my key out and unlocked the door.

When i walked inside it was to quite so i thought nobody was home. Why the hell did Liam want me home when even he wasn't?!

I took my shoes off and placed them by the front door and walked into the kitchen grumbling to myself.

I opened the fridge and looked around to see if anything good was in there but sadly nothing was, only old Chinese food and some pizza that I'm sure was old too. I sighed and closed the door but started screaming when i felt a hand touch my back. I turned around and saw Zayn trying to hold laughter in but failed miserably when he saw my startled expression.

"WHAT THE HELL ZAYN?!" I screamed at the boy who was practically on the floor dying of laughter.

"You're. face." He managed to choke out while still laughing.

Damn, it couldn't have been that funny.

I walked away, irritated, leaving him dying on the floor and was going to make my way up stairs until the front door burst open and a drunk Niall and somewhat sober Louis came stumbling in with Liam behind them, obviously irritated.

Join the club, Lili.

"Hey Harreh." Niall slurred while running over to give me a hug.

"Hey Ni." I smiled.

He giggled and made his towards the kitchen.

Louis walked past me with his arms crossed and mumbled a harsh hello. 

"Well damn Louis don't be mad at me, Niall was the one flirting with the guy" I yelled once he was halfway up the stairs.

I wish i could say he just ignored me and went into his room, but Louis being the sassy bitch he is strutted back down stairs so he could properly 'Bitch me out'.

After Lou was done yelling at me i went to go find Liam. I went to ask Niall and Zayn where he went but they were to busy stuffing their faces with the old pizza.


I decided i would go outside to the garden, that was Liam's  favorite place to chill after all.

"Liam?" I called once i reached the garden.

"Over here" He said.

I walked over to Liam who was sitting at a bench with dozens of calalily's and other assortments of flowers surrounding it. 

When i looked at Liam i could tell he was upset. His mouth was pulled into a frown and he looked like he wanted to break down crying but was trying his best to hold it in.

I sat down next to Liam and wrapped an arm over his shoulder. 

"What's wrong, mate?" I asked him. All he did was turn to look at me before turning his attention back to the small pond somewhat in front of us.

He sighed before answering my question.

"Me and Dani broke up.."

To say i was shocked would be an understatement. Liam and Danielle were the perfect couple. Honestly, everyone thought they were going to get married and have three children. Two girls named Annabelle and Patricia, and one boy named Thomas.

"I'm really sorry Li, I know you really loved her." I said sincerely. " What made you guys break up?"

Liam's puppy dog eyes moved from looking at the pond to looking into mine, his brown glossy eyes with tears ready to pour down.

"She cheated on me. While i was away taking care of our last deal she had brought one of her old friends from high school over and they had sex."

He spoke so quietly that i barely had heard anything he said. 

By now the tears that he was trying so hard to hold in were streaming down his face. I didn't say anything but hug him tighter. He was practically sobbing by now and i'm positive that my shirt is drenched with his tears.

I tried to put together a sentence that could at least help a little bit to lift his hopes before opening my mouth.

"I don't want to say that it wasn't meant to be, because maybe it was, Just don't think their is no hope for you. Someday you'll get married and have children with some beautiful girl, but maybe that beautiful girl won't be who you expected."

He lifted his head off my shoulder before nodding. I smiled at him before taking his hand and leading him inside where the rest of the boys were. Zayn was the first one to rush up to Liam and ask him whats wrong but all Liam did was shake his hand and walk off in the direction of his bedroom.

I walked into the living room and sat down on the black leather couch next to Niall. It wasn't until then that i had realized Louis had came back down and was now currently seated on the love seat that stood on the left of the couch, glaring at Niall. Niall didn't seem to really care because he had moved to sit on my lap and smiled at me. 

Most people would think Niall was trying to be flirty with me but Niall is like my little brother. I love him to death, just not in that kind of way. Plus i'm straight, and I'm pretty sure Louis would kill me if i started dating his unofficial 'boyfriend'.

I moved my hands to touch Niall's hair and started playing with his blond locks.  

I don't know how but it reminded me of Leigha. I just imagine myself running my hands through her long brown hair while sitting on the couch cuddling. I really would love to know more about her but she seems kinda like a closed book, and I'm pretty sure she likes it that way too.

All of a sudden a great idea popped in my mind.

I  looked at Niall then Louis and then thought about Zayn and Liam.

This would be the perfect plan ever. If i don't do something now she's never going to truly let me get to know her. Plus me and the boys had already done it a couple of times before, so it was nothing new to us. I'm sure the boys wouldn't mind much, they know when i put my mind to something its hard for me to change it. If i do say so myself, this is one of the smartest things i have ever thought of.

I'm going to kidnap Leigha.


This was more of an informative chapter than anything. Plus i had to have Payzer break up so we could get some Ziam up in here. :)

Yeah i don't really have much to say than that i will try to make my chapters longer but writing this chapter took me about 2 hours so yeah im trying my hardest y'know..

Its 4:41 am and i can't sleep idek why...


yeah thats it..

I hope you guys have a nice Easter btw and if you dont celebrate easter than have a nice day or yeah..

Im really awkward yeah sorry.

Ok im going to go now make sure you listen to the video on the side its LWWY acoustic version by 1D and its great :) Ok ima go now bye <3

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I Fell In Love With My Kidnapper (Harry Styles fanfic; Ziam/ Nouis Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now