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Enzo Royal Crest

I leave Sophia in bed the following morning. It's 7am and she's still fast asleep. I smile. She loves her sleep.

I realise I'm up to date for the first time in forever. How is that possible? I don't feel like I've spent hardly any time in this office. I've been out face to face with my pack members. It's an anomaly. I catch up with the few email I do have and then decide to go and give my Beta a terror shake.

I grab three coffee takeouts from our cafeteria and walk the short distance to their lodge. Jen stands on the porch before I get chance to knock. "Life saver" she says. Lucas then shouts come on in Alpha" "I hope to god's you've brought coffee" "fancy getting me in this mess?". I smirk, this is all his doing and he knows it. I pass him the coffee and "life saver" he repeats the same as Jen. There so alike it's stupid. "Just making sure you're up and ready to whisk Jen away". He puffs his chest up. " of course I wouldn't let my beautiful mate down". He says before linking me "she'd chop off my balls". I chuckle.

They are catching a quick flight to one of the islands. It's hot and there's surf. That's Lucas's dream holiday. "Make sure you actually spend time out of the water and with Jen" I link. His head tips up with a pleading look and I scowl back at him. "Oh I'll leave her feeling satisfied Alpha don't worry" he links. I nod my head at him exasperated. "Ok love birds, have a great time and I'll see you on Sunday". Jen runs to give me a huge hug. "Thank you for this Enzo she says. "It means such a lot". "It's the least I can do after everything" I smile walking away.

I decide to go and wake Sophia. I want her to tour the rest of the pack with me today. There's so much she hasn't seen.

She's sitting up in bed when I walk back in to the room with a cup of coffee "life saver" and I damn near spill the thing near her. "Your the third person to tell me that this morning.

I lean down to kiss her and before I can she sniffs me and then growls. Hmm this is a turn out. I realise she smells Jen on me and doesn't like it one little bit. I'm glad it's not just me. I damn near explode in jealously at the smallest smile she gives another male. "I just went to see Lucas and Jen off". She relaxes once I tell her this.

It can take mates years to become comfortable with another touching what's there's. This must be the wolf bond bringing us together in this way. I'm delighted by it.

That damn mate spot on my neck is like a beacon needing her touch. I've noticed it throbs a little around her now and I could have hit the roof when she kissed me last night. It's bazaar.

"Fancy seeing some more of the pack today?" She looks up at me excitedly. "I'd love to Enzo" leading me to purr for her once again. I've been doing it a lot recently. Another function designed for your mate. I can't remember if that ever activated when I was in my lust fuelled state with Cara. Yuk just saying her name in my head makes me sick".

That makes me think about those photos. Both packages are still on the side, now in a plastic sleeve I see. "Sophia, shall we burn them now?" She looks a little sad. "We can't Enzo unfortunately as they are needed for evidence". A courier is collecting them early next week, that's why they are bagged up. I nod. It upsets me to think that a stranger might see them. But I trust her non the less.

As if she senses my turmoil "They will be held in the highest confidence enzo" "they may not even be opened for fingerprints if the culprits own up". This puts me as ease and I don't want to talk about this anymore.

But It seems, she does.

"What did it feel like?" "Being in love?" "Having a Luna?" She asks.

I growl.

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