My testimony

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I didn't go into detail about this yet, so today I wanted to tell you about my testimony.

Let me start off by saying that I'm new to faith, obviously. So around January is when I started being serious about going to Jesus, so at the time I'm writing this at the end of March it's been about three months.

I grew up in a Catholic family, when I was younger, around 10 or 11 ish I attended CCD (confraternity of Christian Doctrine) simply speaking it's religious education for kids going to secular schools. Although I never liked this program or church nor did I learn much from it, I had some spiritual experiences that would cause me to never doubt Jesus' divinity. My teen years until now I was agnostic and despite knowing about Jesus I never accepted him into my heart because I didn't want to waste my younger years on it. I was disinterested in Jesus, and I paid for that through various seemingly never ending mental illnesses. I felt hopeless and lost in my life for many years, until some of my friends had introduced the idea of faith into my head and it lingered. I also was gifted a Bible for Christmas which significantly strengthened my faith. A couple months later I decided to give my life to Jesus, I am now involved in a Protestant church and have found a family of Christians through there and I have a surge of people wanting to befriend me genuinely. A miracle for an introvert with social anxiety who has never held any true friendships.

I feel like I have found hope for a new life through Christ, hence the name of this book. I have only been a believer for a couple months and the Lord Jesus has already worked miracles on my life, I was living a lustful, lonely life full of idolatry and confusion until I met him and I think everyone should seek him. It has honestly been the best decision of my entire life. My life hasn't been perfect either, he's certainly allowed me to be tested and I've experienced some social persecution for it as mentioned previously, but I have absolutely zero regrets. Eternal life is worth every little bit of struggle I face.

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