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HEARTS AND HIGH SCORES is an academic rivals to lovers story between Vincenzo Shelby and Serena Everhart. I hope everyone enjoys the book, and chapters will be released shortly!

Just to make things more clear, here's some POVs of the two, aesthetics, and of course a scene from the book!


Senior year. It's supposed to be a laid back, fun, and enjoyable year. It's something you look forward to, it even has prom! But of course it had to be ruined. By none other than Serena Everhart.

People call me cocky, but I like to just think I'm aware. I know I'm rich, I'm one in a million. Captain of the basketball team, number one of Shelby High for 3 years in a row, King of the school, son of the chairman, and of course— up for the Yale scholarship. How did SHE get into a private school like this one? Nothing, nobody, has ever distracted me. But why does she?

She's everything I've ever hated. Her stupid pranks, the way she talks, I hate it all. She's my devil. But now, I'm starting to see her differently.

I'm starting to realize, even the devil has a heart.

SERENABeing an Exchange student was never easy, and when I found out I was going to go to Maverick High, one of the most prestigious high schools in the world, my heart dropped

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Being an Exchange student was never easy, and when I found out I was going to go to Maverick High, one of the most prestigious high schools in the world, my heart dropped.  Not only is it one of the best, but it's super expensive. It's everything that my family can't afford.

The one thing I didn't expect, was to be faced by a total asshole on the first day of school. Vincenzo Shelby. He's six foot, two inches of a total know it all. Everyone praises him just because he's the stupid, "King of the school!" Or the Chairman's son. I despise him.

But sometimes, I feel some sort of, tension between us. The split second of eye contact before we pull a prank on each other, the racing to answer a question, 1v1ing in basketball to see who's better, I find it kind

But, I can't focus on that. Only one of us gets into Yale.
And I'm going to make sure that it's me.

And I'm going to make sure that it's me

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I quickly ran into my room, and hid in the closet. It was pretty big, but only big enough to fit me and possibly one other-

"Shit." I heard a deep familiar voice whisper, and they quickly stepped into the closet. Our bodies pressed up against each other, he was muscular. Definitely hot.
I whipped out my phone and turned on the flashlight, just to find Vincenzo fucking Shelby.
I did not just call him hot.

"HEY." He grabbed the phone out of my hand and then shined it at me. "Oh my god there's no way, why are you in here?"

"I could ask you the same question! This is my room!" I scoffed, grabbing my phone. There was a bit of light for us to see each other from the cracks between the doors of the closet. "Give me some room fat ass." I glared at him.

"I just thought this was a good place to hide. I didn't know you'd be in here, I swear! And I can't move any further, dumbass." He glared at me back.

About two or three voices were then heard, busting into my room. They searched around, I could hear things move and break.
There was nothing in my room that I was worried about breaking, except for one thing.
A photo of me, my mom, my brother, and my dad.

"NO-" I tried to move, but Vincenzo quickly wrapped his right hand around my waist. He pulled me in, and his left hand went over my mouth. "Shut up." He whispered, holding me close.

I felt his warm breath down my neck, I shivered.
But, I felt comfortable, almost.
For a moment, I could be at peace.
The warmth of his voice, his hand around my waist, his hand on my mouth.
It felt kind of nice, which is so horrible to admit.

I stared at him, and he stared at me. His smirk faltered to something that I couldn't quite place. We just looked at each other until the police left.
Even then, his hand slowly left my mouth. But the right hand remained on my waist.
We didn't talk, we didn't move our eyes. We could feel a burning tension, it was— almost unreal.

"Vincenzo- I-" I whispered, trying to break the silence.
"You're not so tough after all, Everhart." He whispered, sending shivers down my spine. And in that moment, as our eyes locked and the world seemed to fade away, I realized that maybe, just maybe, there was more to our rivalry than meets the eye.


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