Chapter Five - Midterm Madness.

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Last night had by far been one of the most eventful moments of my life.
I kissed Vincenzo Shelby. Not just any man. But my sworn enemy, the man I was going to destroy in midterms, and of course..the so called, "king of the school".
Why would I do that you may ask?
So I could beat him in midterms.
I know it sounds stupid, but trust me. I won't be leaving his mind. So while I'm absolutely destroying the exams, he'll be keeping his eyes on me.
The only problem is, that was supposed to be the plan. I mean, I fucking hated him.
So why was he the only thing on my mind?

I left the dorms early to get to our math exam, not because I wanted to start early, but so I would avoid Vincenzo at all costs.
Ten minutes passed by and I was sitting inside of the math classroom, students were slowly coming in one by one. And finally Jaz and Mack had showed up too.

"How much did you guys study last night?" Jaz stressfully ran her hand through her hair, sitting down in the seat in front of me.
"I only studied like 3 I was snoozing." Mack sighed.

"I studied close to 9." I shrugged, leaning my head on my hand. 
"9pm? Okay fair." Jaz nodded.
"No, 9 hours." I looked at her, tilting my head.

I looked at Jaz and then Mack. The two of them were both shocked. "What? What's wrong with that?"

"Number one. He's so hot. I wouldn't be able to study for shit." Jaz looked up at the roof with dreamy eyes. What a weirdo.
Mackenzie followed, "And secondly, you hate him. How the hell did you stay in the same room with him?"

"I don't know. I guess he's kind of hot. But, not like that matters. He's a total ASSHOLE. God, his pathetic brown hair and dark brown eyes. Sure they might be dreamy, but I mean. Who the fuck really likes that cocky personality of his? I mean I guess he's kind of caring but, I know I'm going to beat him in-" I rambled on and on, until Jazmyn slapped me across the face to make me shut up.

I felt someone towering over me, their hands were holding my chair and leaning over.
I didn't want to look up, It couldn't be.
But it was.

"Glad you hear you think I'm kind of hot, dreamy, and caring." He winked, tilting my chin up with his right hand. Which was already enough to make me wet.

I slapped his hand off of me, and stood up. I turned around to face him, "Of course you only listened to the good parts, well let me recap the words you missed for you." I pointed my finger onto his chest, "You're an asshole, cocky, and I will beat you in midterms." I smirked.

"We'll see about that." He sat down beside me, shooting a glare at me as he took his seat.

The teacher walked in and we all sat down. "Good morning students. Today is midterms. Keep your eyes on your paper, and good luck. Once you are finished your exam, leave the classroom and head to your next exam."

Everyone nodded and slowly, exams were passed down to everyone. I stared at the paper and examined a few questions, immediately I started writing. Every once in a while, my eyes would drift to Vincenzo, just to see if he was looking at me too. Obviously, he wasn't.
An hour passed by and I finished the exam, I felt proud knowing I was the first one done.

Vincenzo looked at me, he was stuck on the last question.
I looked at him, his eyes seemed sincere. He was, actually asking me for help on this one.
I held up 3 fingers to show it was C behind my back, and he gave me a I fucking owe you look.

I giggled, and handed in my exam. I waited outside of the classroom for Jaz and Mack, but of course Vincenzo was the first one out.
"How'd you do?" I crossed my arms.
"That was fucking stressful. Thanks for the answer." He put his hands in a praying stance.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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