Chapter Four - She Played Me Like A Pro.

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The day after the party was horrible. I woke up hungover as fuck, but atleast I wasn't inside of a cell.
But to be honest, that wasn't really the thing I cared about.
Sure my dorm was fucked, the police were on my ass saying I threw the party, my dad had called me almost 50 times, but I didn't care.
Me and Serena Everhart had something.
I can't believe I'm saying this, but we had a 'moment.'
I can't exactly place what happened after, but this is all I got so far.

"Vincenzo." She whispered, trying to break the silence.
"You're not so tough after all, Everhart." I whispered back. My hand on her waist as I stared into her eyes.
I could hear everything she did, her heart was beating faster like a mile a minute. So was mine, I didn't know what I was doing.
It surely was just my drunk thoughts, right? I couldn't have actually wanted to kiss Serena Everhart. Right?

Noah, Kairo, and Maddox walked through the door. "Vin, you can come out now." Noah's voice echoed around the room.

I cleared my throat, and opened the closet door. Both me and Serena walked out.

"You two were in there..together?" Kairo stared at us, awkwardly.

"Just shut up. I'm going to bed." I shooed them off, "You three go home." I glanced at Serena, who was pulling at her dress.
Fuck, she looked good.
Did I seriously just think that?

Kairo, Noah, and Maddox nodded. They left quickly. Thankfully, they could take a hint that something had happened.

"I'm gonna.." I paused, and stared at Serena's green eyes. Had I never noticed that they were pretty attractive? "I'm gonna go to bed." I looked at Serena, clearing my throat.
She nodded, "Yeah. Me too. Goodnight, I guess." She shut the door as I left.


So yeah, that's all I remember. Which is basically everything.
Why'd I have to be so fucking awkward? Getting girls is your thing Vincenzo. And going for a nerd? What a joke.

I stood up from my bed and walked over to my mirror, I slipped on a black shirt and grey sweatpants. I ruffled my brown curly hair in the mirror, and took a deep breath. I slipped my phone into my pocket, and walked over to my door. I could hear her pouring her cereal into a bowl, like usual.

I walked out of my room. The two of us exchanged glances, and she didn't say anything.
"You already cleaned everything up? You could've called me—"
She shook her head, and shrugged. "You were fast asleep, I didn't wanna disturb you."

I nodded, "Okay, fair." I walked around the island, and grabbed a cup to pour water in. "So, uh. I think we should talk."
"About what?" She took a bite of her cereal.
"You know, last nig-"
She cut me off. "What happened last night?"

Wow, okay. That one kind of hurt.
"You seriously don't remember anything?"

"Nope!" She smiled, "All I remember was throwing a bomb ass party, and it backfired on me when the police came. Everything else from there is a total blank." She shrugged.

"Of course it is."
"What?" She looked at me like I was a joke.
"Nothing." I shook my head, chugging down my glass of water.
Why did it make me annoyed?
I mean, she always made me annoyed. Everyday I woke up, I wished that she wasn't my roommate. But for once, today was different.
She made me mad, not in a I hate you, way. But in a please notice me, way.
I was desperate, and I hated it.

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