Chapter Three - More Than Rivals?

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The first few weeks went by pretty quick, but not easy. Every class was filled with me and Vincenzo rushing to complete the notes, pulling each others chairs out before one of us could sit so the other would fall, telling on each other to the teacher, and much more.
Not only that, but having each other as roommates who shared the same bathroom SUCKED.
We either purposely took a long time inside of the shower, blasted annoying music so the other would have to shut off the power, or we'd invite our friends over and wander around the whole house so the other would have to be locked in their room.
Sure, I'll admit, we act like children. But I couldn't care less. If he wanted to play a game of making each other's life hell, I could join along—

"SHELBY!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs inside of the shower. Vincenzo had obviously cut off the water, and I was covered in soap. "TURN. ON. THE. WATER."

"How about no? Maybe this one is to get back at you for that taking away my clothes prank!" He yelled through the door.

"FUCK YOU!" I stepped out of the shower and wiped off the soap from my eyes. I grabbed a cup from the side of counter and filled it with water from the sink. Unfortunately, this was all I had. I began to step in the shower and pour the water over my head and wherever else I needed it. This step would be repeated, MULTIPLE, times until the soap was all off.

"I'm gonna kill him." I quickly dried myself off with the towel and changed into the clothes I had set aside. Thankfully, today was a Saturday. So there was no school, but that didn't always mean I would have a relaxing day ahead of me. As in the wise words of Vincenzo Shelby, "Saturdays are for DA BOYZZ!"
What a fucking joke.
But this time, I knew exactly how to get back at him, I was going to throw a party. A party that would completely interrupt his boys night.
I peacefully walked out of the bathroom, as to not raise suspicion. Smart, right?
Or so I thought.

Vincenzo was standing in the kitchen, holding a plastic butter knife. "Step any closer and I'll kill you!"

I shrugged and walked into the kitchen, my slippers squeaked across the wooden floor as I grabbed a bowl out of one of the cabinets. I walked around him, and picked up a box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal, and poured it into my bowl.

He put the knife down, disappointed as to me having no reaction. "Um...hello?" He waved his hand in my face.

I shrugged, smirking at him. "Disappointed? I'm done reacting to your stupid pranks."
" just have one up your sleeve that you're planning to trick me with!" He quickly pulled out the knife again, going in a really stupid ninja stance. It was kind of, cute.
Get a grip, Serena.

"Shut up, Shelby." I rolled my eyes and poured some milk into my bowl of cereal, I took a bite. "Doing anything for today?"
"You already know what I'm doing. Hold on— this is suspicious. Just tell me what you're up to!" He crossed his arms, and leaned on the island counter top.

"Absolutely not." I turned my head away from him, "I'm going to enjoy my night tonight, and it has nothing to do with you."

"No way." He shot a glare at me and walked around the kitchen island to the living room. "You never enjoy anything. That's why your room is filled with almost two hundred textbooks. You don't spend money on fun things, ya just plain boring!"

Boring. I hated that word. I was not boring, I guess you could say I just paid really close attention to my studies.
But tonight, I was gonna get fucking wasted.
The only problem was that we weren't allowed to throw parties, but whatever. I'd figure it out anyways.

"Did you just quote Brooklyn Nine Nine?" I rolled my eyes, letting out a small laugh. Some of his sentences made me actually crack a smile.

"Duh. Jake Peralta is basically my king. I love him and Amy." He leaned forward on the couch to look at the TV, he was scrolling on Netflix to see which episode he wanted to watch of Brooklyn 99.

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