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It has been a month since I joined Euphoria, it's going good so far. Yoongi often visit me at cafe, his visits do make me feel beatific.

I , Jessica and Jackson were chatting, the cafe was mostly empty as it was  almost about get close, we got interrupted when we heard the chimes, Jessica went to take the order and I went to change as my shift got over.

When I stepped out I saw a man coverd in black clothes staring me from other side of the street, a shiver ran down my spine, his gaze made me feel frightened.

I turned and saw yoongi in front of me.
"Are you alright, why is your face pale?" He asked
I turned my face back but to my surprise no one was there.
"I am alright"I replied, voice barely audible.
He just simply nodded and started walking with me.

Well a good thing happened that the liquor store got sealed by government as there was some black marketing going on and some construction work is in process to make it lively.

On our way back, there was a feeling of continuously being watched, I gulped in fear, yoongi seems to notice my discomfort he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and made me shift closer to him, the sudden touch cause me to divert my mind from continuous gazing and made me feel safe and protected under his arms.

When I was about to enter my house, yoongi called me so I turned towards him.

"If there is something bothering you and whenever feels to talk about it, I will be there for you, alright" he said

I nod my head with a slight smile.

"Goodnight"  he said

"Goodnight" with that I went inside and tried to sleep after dinner but the thought about that man keeps bothering me, finally after some tossing and turning i slept.


We were in the middle of our accountancy class but suddenly Miss Jung came
"Sorry to interrupt your class Miss park but there is an important announcement to be made" after saying that she turned towards us, the students.

"Alright, good morning students, this is to inform you all that classes XI & XII are going on a 5 days trip on comming Monday, a circular with all the information on it and a consent slip will be provided to you and if you wish to go get it signed by your parents and submit it to your class incharge by friday.
Thank you " after that she left and some students from the backseat started rooting.

"Is this a fish market? XIIA is much better then you" Miss park said while rolling her eyes.

"Uff... Let's continue" saying that she turned towards the board.

I felt a pat on my back
"You're going on a trip, right?"  Niami asked in a whisper.

"I really want to... But I'm not sure." I whispered

"What do you mean you are not sure, I want you to come with me and you are going on a trip that's final" she said

"Don't be stubborn niami" she gave me a hurting look.

I sighed "okay don't get sad I will try to take a leave from the cafe" she smiled immediately and turned towards her boyfriend Jay who is sitting beside her and quickly pecked his cheek.

We are a group of four Jay, Niami, me and Mark. Mark is sitting with me, sometimes more than teacher he seems to focus on me which makes me uncomfortable.


I was taking orders while thinking about who and why would someone stalk me "welcome to Euphoria, what would you like to order?" I asked without looking at their face.

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