Chapter 19:

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"No she didn't."

"Yes she did! She texted that."

"That's perfect," I laughed.

Dani replied, "I know, right?"

Though I adored Shawn and Morgan dearly, the continuous cycle of only hanging out with them was becoming a tad redundant. When Danielle, a good friend since middle school, texted this morning and asked if I had anything to do today, I was ecstatic. The two of us haven't really spoken since graduation, so it would be great to catch up on things. The girl loves to shop, so it wasn't anything more of surprising when she asked to head to a shopping district. I have a habit of not buying things when going out, but exploring the stores and their items was something enjoyable to do.

"So are you two technically dating?" I cooed.

"Hell, I don't know. I wish I knew. I think she's playing hard to get."

"Maybe you're playing hard to get, Dani."

"Oh, please, Sophie." she scoffed, holding up a tank top, "I do not play hard to get."

"Yeah, okay. Let's just see how long it takes for Jen to make a move on you." I snickered, rummaging through the clothing racks.

"So how are you and Shawn doing? Hmm? Planning the wedding yet?" she asked with a sly smirk.

A squeaky 'great' escaped my throat, which was far from convincing. Dani turned her head with her face wrinkled from curiosity. I placed a hand on my throat and faked a cough. Allergies, I used as an excuse. Shawn and I are doing very well. Perfect, actually. Apparently it still wasn't as believable as I intended for it to be since she asked if there was something I wasn't telling her. I shook my head and laughed, trying to find the right string of words to say. Keeping things from a friend was the last thing on my mind, but it wasn't my right to spill personal things about Shawn specifically. When I glanced down, the thin chain hanging from my neck glimmered in the bright store spotlight. Things were a bit bumpy, I admitted to her, but all relationships get to that point, right? It's our responsibility as a couple to work through conflict and that's exactly what we're doing.

"Okay, good." she smiled and nodded, taking a sundress off of a rack.

"He promised we would," I grinned, bringing the piece of jewelry into the conversation. "Shawn gave me this a few weeks ago."

Dani gasped and wobbled her way over to me, trying not to stumble over the numerous articles of clothing she was carrying. "No fucking way. Is that-"

"It's a promise ring, hun. Don't get too ahead of yourself!" I boasted, "Now maybe if you weren't playing hard to get, Jen would've given you one by now."

"Shut your fucking mouth, Soph." she sneered.

I laughed, "Harsh!"

"What? And are you seriously not buying anything? We came to the mall for a reason."

"I haven't found anything I like yet!" I squealed, trying to find a cute shirt. "Here, you know what, I need a new swim suit. I'll at least buy that."

Agreeing that it was a good idea to buy something, she then stated her intention to smack me if I decided otherwise. I made her aware that I was gonna be a nice friend and pay for lunch, but not with that threat. Sticking her bottom lip out immediately after, she 'apologized.' Laughter erupted from the both of us. Afterwards, I walked to the back of the store to look for a new swimsuit. There were plenty of options scattered along the wall to chose from, and since simplicity was my style, it wasn't difficult to chose. Although the light and dark blue tie-dye patterned did spark an interest. I announced my finding to Dani, but she was too busy with a literal arm-load of clothes.

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