Chapter 2:

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"Damn, a promise ring? It's about time that bastard pulled something out of his hat," Morgan snorted through the phone.

"It's gorgeous,"

"I'm coming over later," she said, "whether you want me to or not,"

"All because I got a promise ring? It's not that big of a deal-"

"Oh, Jesus, Sophia," she interrupted, "one, that's gross for you to assume. Two, I'm coming over because I'm bored and need you to entertain me."

I laughed, knowing that she isn't into most of the common relationship stuff, such as a promise ring. She finds a lot of relationships gross, which is much more entertaining considering she's also in a relationship.

The original plan for today was relaxing on this beautiful Wednesday, but I guess now since she's coming over I have to get out of bed. Yesterday's outfit was still my current attire because I had never bothered to change yet. I tossed on some comfortable clothes and waited for the boisterous arrival of my best friend.

"Honey, I'm home," she boasted in a monotonous tone, the door closing behind her.

There she is.


"C'mon, let me see the thing," she said, motioning me downstairs.

"Nah, I like it up here," I said, leaning against the banister.

"You little shit. Get down here."

I challenged her. "You come up here."


The two of us used the privacy of my bedroom to squeal about yesterday. She admired the ring in awe, asking if he had gotten himself anything similar. I answered accordingly, explaining the more manly version that dangles from his neck. Nearly every detail about yesterday and the night before slipped from my tongue.

"Okay, okay! Enough about Shawn and me," I interrupted, "spill about you and Cameron. You two have been together almost every day this week!"

"He took me on a date date the other night."

"Where? Details."

"The fair just outside of town. It was kinda small but had just the right amount of entertainment. It was really fun, actually—especially the House of Mirrors. Cameron ran into the glass five times. I mean, after I was done pissing myself from laughing, I ran into one, too though. It took us a half-hour to get out of there. A little kid even passed us." she said, flailing her arms around.

I laughed, "You should've followed the kid."

"I had my own child to watch," she said, rolling her eyes with a playful smile. "Anyways, after that, he made me go on that big Ferris wheel–"

"How come you never go on the Ferris wheel with me?" I shrieked, spitting out some of the drink I was sipping on. "You hate them!"

"He forced me! I was practically a prisoner. I was freaking terrified, okay? He held my hand the entire time as he promised, but that didn't mean that the asshole didn't swing the cart back and forth."

"Oh, god. That's the only terrifying part about Ferris wheels. I hate when people do that."

"And listen to this—he took me to that god awful petting zoo afterward."

"He didn't,"

"He did!" she yelled.

"Are you seriously still traumatized from the one we went to when we were younger?"

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