Chapter 3:

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Today I'll have to go shopping to get some snacks for tonight. Even though it was simply my family, Shawn and me, and Morgan and Cam, we'd still need some snacks, right? My grandma obviously won't have a huge selection, so we're stuck buying our own. I grabbed the usual chips, cookies, veggies, etc., and put them in my basket. Other groceries were thrown in as well.

My phone buzzed from my purse.

Shawn: come over

-I can't right now. I'm grocery shopping.

Shawn: After that?

-We'll see each other tonight!.

Shawn: So? I wanna see my girlfriend.

Shawn: pleaseeee

-I'm shopping!

Shawn: get us snacks and then come

-god you're so needy.
is this a booty call?.

Shawn: babbeeeeeeeeeee

-I'll think about it

Shawn: Sophie.

-Little feisty, aren't we?

Shawn: It's what you do to me.

-Keep it clean.

Shawn: Eh

Deciding to leave him on hold, I finished roaming the store and getting what was needed. Checking out and heading to my car was fairly quick, along with putting the bags in the trunk.

-Your room better be clean.

Shawn: Shit

-10 minutes!

Shawn: Okay, okay!

* * *

"Stuck on a licorice space again?" Shawn just about yelled. "That's like the third damn time!"

"And yet you're still ahead of me!" I screamed, moving the blue gingerbread man to the green square on the Candy Land game board.

"Not by much. You're five spaces behind with another turn."

Picking up another card, it revealed itself to be purple. Ha! That's the space just after Shawn's red gingerbread man. The boy glared at me, but declared his future victory while picking up another playing card. His piece got to move to the peanut block, which was far ahead of my position. He did end up winning the first game, but we played three more times. I won the second time, he won the third. Shawn was just about to win the fourth game, but I flipped the board aggressively before he could get to the multi-colored square of King Candy.

"Hey!" he yelled, looking at me.

I fluttered my eyelashes, asking innocently, "What?"

"You owe me a kiss for that."

"Do I? I don't see that in the instructions." I said, picking up the paper.

"Oh, it's in there, just-" he started, but stopped by taking the paper, pressing his lips against mine and holding me to the floor.

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