Chapter 1 - Before the Adventure

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Russo's POV:

I was just chilling in the HOST ONLY room as I was watching the participants interact with each other, Jayingee hanging out with Flamingo, Denis is finally out of prison and is talking with Calixo about Sir meows a lot and asking how has he been, Pinkleaf teaching Ibella on how to parkour like him, TanqR chasing Kreekcraft because Kreek stole his mask and gun, Sketch watching them all interact too, and Pgh(Lego) was helping Ominous make his own armor suit, Russo wanted them to have an adventure but he seemed lazy and had no ideas, then Sabrina came into the room " Sabrina: Hey Russo! " Sabrina called my name " Russo: oh uh, Hey Sabrina? What r you doing? " I asked " Sabrina: well, I'm planning to make another adventure for the contestants! " She smiled as she knew what she was doing. I looked confused at her since I didn't know what kind of adventure she had planned. " Russo: another adventure? What kind of adventure? "
I asked Sabrina confusingly, " Sabrina: you'll see soon! Hehehe. " Then she would walk out the HOST ONLY room as I raised an eyebrow, wondering what kind of adventure it was gonna be. But, I shrugged it off and watched the competitors interact with each other again.


Sabrina's POV:

" Sabrina: Ok, so, now all I have to do is get potions!- but idk how to make potions-, hmmm... Who can make potions... Aha! I should ask Pgh and talk to kon- wait Nvm.. he'll find out... Who can make potions... Aha! Lunar! But how do I contact her.. she's not (yet) in RB battles... Hmmm, Aha! I should call her sister Funneh and ask where Lunar is! " Then I take out the phone in my pocket as I contacted Funneh from the crew, I was waiting for her to pick up, so I just decided to watch the participants' every move, then Funneh would pick up. " Funneh: " Hello? Who is this? " Funneh asked through the phone. " Sabrina: ah! It's me, Sabrina! So Uhm, Funneh, can you give the phone to your sister Lunar? I need to talk to her about smth. " I asked Funneh. " Funneh: uh sure, what are you guys gonna do? " She asked curiously, " Sabrina: uh, it's a private thing Funneh- can you please give the phone to lunar? Pleaseee? " I said, trying to convince her on not to make me say the reason. " Funneh: ugh, fine, I'll give the phone to lunar, LUNAR! COME HERE! SABRINA WANTS TO TALK YOU U! " Then Lunar came running to Funneh as Lunar took the phone. " Lunar: hello? Uh, why'd you call me Sabrina? " She asked. " Sabrina: oh yeah! Hi Lunar! Uhm, can you do me a favor rq? " I asked her, since I needed her help. " Lunar: Fine, but! " " Sabrina: but what? " I asked her as I raised one of my eyebrows " Lunar: you have to add us to RB Battles season 4! " " Sabrina: uh- ok? It wouldn't hurt that much? " " Lunar: alr! Now, what are you gonna do now? " She asked. " Sabrina: well, can you make uhm- *counts the amount of contestants* 11 one emotion potions? " I said. " Lunar: uhh, sure ig? No problem! It'll be done as soon as possible! " She said happily " Sabrina: alr! Thanks Lunar! " I said thanking her as I ended the call, then I turned around to see Ominous behind me.


Ominous' POV:

I was just helping Pgh into making my own armor suit as we were both struggling about the items but I knew it'll be done, soon- but then I saw Sabrina talking to someone on the phone as I go curious about it, " Ominous: Hey uh Lego? " " Pgh: hm? Yeah Ominous? " He questioned " Ominous: I'm gonna go check on Sabrina rq.. cause I'm seeing her talking to someone rn.. " I said to Pgh curiously " Pgh: .. dude were literally making your suit AND YOUR JUST GONNA- " " Ominous: DUDE, It's gonna be as fast as possible I swear! " I said to Pgh " Pgh: fine, Make it quick. " Pgh said " Ominous: Alr, I will. " Then I got up from my seat and started walking towards Sabrina as she ended the call and turned around as she saw me. " Sabrina: O-oh uh.. h-hi Ominous... " She said nervously " Ominous: who were you talking to? " I asked curiously. " Sabrina: to DJ.. " I raised an eyebrow " Ominous: oh really? " " Sabrina: yep!- " " Ominous: cause DJ lend me his phone, and it didn't ring, so tell me the truth Sab, who were you talking to? " I raised an eyebrow. " Sabrina: fine... I was talking to Lunar. " " Ominous: Who's Lunar? " " Sabrina: y'know, that potion making girl who is from krew? " " Ominous: and? " " Sabrina: I was just having a little chat with her! " " Ominous: hmm.. ok ig.. anyways I'll go back to Pgh and we're gonna continue working on my new armor suit! " I said happily " Sabrina: wait Pgh knows how to make an armor suit? I thought he just bought his armor suit from wish- " " Ominous: well- " then Pgh looked at me and Sabrina, looks like he heard it. " Pgh: EXCUSE ME WHAT? " Then me and Sabrina started laughing as Pgh walked to us having his arms crossed. " Sabrina: It's true! " She giggled " Ominous: Ngl I also thought you bought it from wish- " I chuckled as Pgh had an annoyed look on his face as one of his eyebrows were raised up. " Pgh: UHM, EXCUSE ME? I MADE THIS MYSELF. " " Ominous&Sabrina: Totally. " " Pgh: I MADE IT MYSELF!!! " Then me and Sabrina started laughing again as we were laughing so much at Pgh's annoyance towards us. " Ominous: ok ok we're sorry- " " Pgh: ugh.. " " alr, Me and Pgh are gonna continue on making the suit! C'mon Pgh! " I would then go back as Pgh followed behind as we continued working on the suit again.

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