Chapter 3: Searching for scattered potions. ( part 1 )

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Ominous's POV:

" Ominous: So, Sketch said I should find some reset potions and make them drink it... HOW WILL I MAKE THEM DRINK IT- but I have to think of a way... Maybe I should.. put it in their food? ... It feels like I'm trying to poison them- but I guess I'll try, what does it even smell like- it's none of my business, well, I better get going I guess. " Then I would start searching for the reset potions all across the building, I used my supernova powers as I flew around across the building, in the kitchen, the upstairs, the roof, the bath- wait why did I check the bathroom- anyways, their bedrooms, but I couldn't find it, I was having trouble on trying to find the reset potions as I started getting a bit impatient as I search every single small spot, then I saw a safe behind the claw machine as I then grabbed it, I have to find a key? WHAT IS THIS. DOORS?? PIGGY?? anyways, I guess I have to find some keys to actually unlock the safe to get a reset potion, I kept on walking around and even flying over on top of the floors, I was getting really exhausted as I sat down on the couch and the felt something under the cover that made me jump as I immediately got off and then noticed it was a key-shape! Aha! Just what I was looking for! Then Ominous would take off the cover and take the key " Ominous: Aha! Got you NO- and it's the wrong color... Frick... I guess I have to store it for now. " I said with a bit of annoyance in my voice as I put it in my pocket as a random Lazer beam almost hit me, it was Pgh as Pgh was flying with his iron man suit with a grin on his face as he keeps on shooting the Lazer beams as I tried and kept on dodging it and running as fast as I can, I was getting exhausted already as I started to slow down and a Lazer beam managed to hit my leg as I fell to the ground as Pgh then would fly down and then I noticed sketch tackle Pgh to the ground and then said " Sketch: Find it! I'll handle him!! " Sketch said as I couldn't leave sketch there as I just decided to grab his arm and use my supernova powers to fly down and hide somewhere as I told sketch to shush as Pgh was lurking around, the footsteps were going away as Ominous sighed and notices a safe, and it has the same color as the key he just got! Then Ominous would slightly chuckle as he opens it as it was a reset potion, Ominous would sigh in relief as he checked the word written on it. " Ominous: Reset potion for: Madness? I guess this is for IBella.. I need to find her right now. " Then sketch stopped me " sketch: why don't we just shove it down their thro- " then I stopped sketch as I cutted him off " Ominous: SHOVE IT DOWN THEIR THROATS?! WHAT ARE YOU A PSYCHO?? " I said to Sketch " Sketch: ... Relax I was joking, but you better give it to IBella before the potion spreads more in her body. Quick! I'll deal with Pgh, don't bother trying to pull me away. " Sketch said as I nodded and he nodded back as I immediately ran and noticed IBella as Sketch and Pgh were fighting like cats and dogs in the background as I said to IBella " Ominous: Bella! Please!- DRINK THIS- " I said with exhaustion in my voice, but then she said " IBella: and why would I do t- " then I just opened it and shoved it down her throat and made her drink it as she shakes her head and then says " IBella: ugh... What.. happened?.. " she said with a bit of confusion, she's back! " Ominous: No time for questions! Help me and Sketch find safe's/vaults and keys that match their lock! Pgh is mentally going insane every second passing by! "  I said to IBella " IBella: Ok! I will! Don't worry! " Then IBella would run off as she started to find the potions, 1 down, 8 more to go!


Sketch's POV:

I was struggling on fighting with Pgh as he kept on shooting me with his Lazer beams from his repuslor as I then would kick him right at the crotch as I then ran away as Pgh was on the ground, my foot hurt, not because I kicked Pgh right at the nuts, HE WAS WEARING A METALIC SUIT. I was limping a bit and then noticed IBella rushing towards me as she grabbed my arm and fastly runs and parkours up on the railings, damn she learned fast from Pinkleaf, I would then get on the floor as my foot still hurted but not too much as I thanked IBella as she parkoured up the next floors as I searched from the floor I'm currently on. I was trying to find a key and I saw Sir meows a lot biting on a key as I sigh to myself and go near him as I try to take the key as Sir meows a lot hisses at me " Sketch: .. gulp w-well hey there Sir meows a lot... You don't mind if I... STOLE THIS- " then I would get the key as I ran off as Sir meows a lot started chasing me as I got on top of the fridge as Sir meows a lot actually managed to jump on the fridge and scratch my eye as I fell off and landed on my back as it felt like pain as I couldn't get up and was just laying on the ground with a hurting back as Sir meows a lot hisses at me again as I try to deal with the pain, then I noticed TanqR helping me, It looks like Ominous or IBella already cured him. 2 down, 7 more to go. " TanqR: you good? I noticed how you fell and it looked like it hurted. " Then I said " Sketch: Ofc it hurts! Help me c'mon! Before Pgh gets us! " Then TanqR would roll his eyes as he started dragging me as he uses the iron man suit he borrowed from Pgh as he flew towards my dorm as he opens it and throws me on the bed. " Sketch: NOT HELPING. " I said angrily, " TanqR: who cares, atleast your resting on the bed now. Be lucky I was even there to help you. " Then TanqR would take the key as he also would close the door and fly away as I laid down on my bed.


IBella's POV:

I was looking around at the small details around the whole building as it was very hard and then I noticed a key dangling near the sewer vent as I immediately ran there and would try and snatch the key but it fell inside the sewer but luckily I grabbed the small rope on it as I noticed the vault was on top of a fridge and Sir meows a lot was there as I then would help him get down as Sir meows a lot meows at me and would walk away as I grabbed the safe and would open it, Another reset potion! " IBella: Woohoo! Now let's see who's this is! Reset potion for: Expressionless, Pinkleaf! Now he has to drink this potion! I'm glad I could help- hehe- " then I would parkour back down as I noticed Pgh there too as I immediately try running as Pgh was chasing me but TanqR was there as he stops Pgh and pushes him to the side as I gave him a thumbs up and he also gave me a thumbs up back as I ran to Pinkleaf and would arrive there as I was panting as Pinkleaf looked at me " Pinkleaf: what do you want. " He looked at me as I put the potion in a random cup that I got out of nowhere as I gave it to him and handed it. " IBella: here! Drink this! " I said as Pinkleaf then would roll his eyes as he inspected it first before he would drink it as he thought it was just normal water and then he would drink it as Pinkleaf would flinch as he shook his head and then look at me " Pinkleaf: Bella? " " IBella: Hi PingBoi! :3 " then Pinkleaf would then look at me and say " Pinkleaf: don't call me PingBoi and I guess you cured me.. how many have you guys cured yet? " Then I would say to Pinkleaf, " IBella: Ominous cured me, I cured TanqR and then I cured you, so 3! " I said to Pinkleaf, it was 3 down, 6 more to go. I just hope we find Pgh's sooner enough-


TanqR's POV:

I was just looking around at where this key matched as kept on wandering around and then I saw Pgh as I immediately flew up but Pgh saw me and fires his Lazer beam at me but I managed to dodge it as I noticed the vault on the chandelier, WHAT IS IT DOING?? WHY IS IT SWINGING ON THE CHANDELIER. TanqR would just sigh as he took it and flew to the ground, but Pgh randomly shot a Lazer beam at my head as it hit me as I started falling down and fall to the ground, luckily I didn't break my bones as I got up immediately and opened the safe, Aha! Another reset potion! " TanqR: looks like it's... Reset potion for...: depression, Jayingee! Heh, how could I forget. Now I better start going there and shove it down his throat. " Then I started on flying over there with Pgh's suit as it took me a minute to find Jayingee as I landed on the ground and looked at Jayingee " TanqR: hey Jay... You like drinks? CUZ I GOT YOU ONE. " Then I would shove it down his throat as he drank some and also spat some out as he was starting to cough and he also shakes his head. " Jay: huh- " Jayingee said confusedly " TanqR: glad your back, now help me, Sketch, Ominous, IBella and Pinkleaf find reset potions! We still have 5 more to go! Beware of Pgh tho- he's insane af- " then Jayingee would nod as he starts running towards the opposite direction. 4 down, 5 more to go.


Auditor's note:

Hi! Auditor here! Took really fast right? Cause I'm feeling motivated rn! And uh, idk anymore. :P anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter! Cya in the next one!

Word count: " 1786 "

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