"An Ice-Skating turtle?" 🖤💜 (2012)💕

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Pov: With a bunch of persuading, Donnie caves in and goes skating with Casey.

"CRUMBS! God, Casey, this kind of sucks..." Donnie muttered as he held onto Caseys arms for support.

Since Casey found a lake that was frozen over, he invited his favorite turtle to skate with him. After a few minutes of begging, Donnie gave in. So here they were, 2 dudes ice skating at 11pm on a friday.
"Sucks? It wouldn't be sucky if you didn't complain."Casey argued as he let go of Donnies arms.

"Here, at least just try! Its fun when you get the hang of it. Get outta your shell sometimes, D!" Casey said as he nudged Donnies shoulder playfully.

"WOAH!" Donnie fought to mantain balance, and eventually did.

"Also, I can't get out of my shell, its attatched to my body." Donnie scoffed as he crossed his arms.

"Look, I invited you to a lake to ice-skate, not to nerd-fest." Casey grumbled. "thats not a word." "is now." "you mean, it is now? Still doesn't change the fact until its in the Websters Dictionary."

Casey groaned. He hated when Donnie corrected him. "Just shut up." Casey pointed at a bench near the lake. "Sit there if you're just gonna bitch and moan." Casey crossed his arms.

"Nah, I won't. And besides...its kinda cute that you asked me on a date like this." Donnie grinned. There it was. The nerdy smile he had whenever he teased him. the gap in his teeth noticeable.

God, Casey hated it when he had a shit-eating grin like that. "Its not a 'date', man! Its just me and you...at night...ice skating...alone... Okay, when you put it like that, it DOES sound like a date. Thanks for ruining things, Don!" Casey yelled.

Donnie rolled his eyes, not happy either in the slightest. "Well, why didn't you ask Raph to go? Or Mikey? Leo...hmm...she isn't all that good at skating." Donnie tapped his chin in thought."So, in science terms, do you like m-"

Casey grabbed Donnies icy cold hands. "Can we just skate? No science talk, just skating...?"

Donnie sighed, but it sounded more like a scoff. "Fine, but I might drop a few astronomy facts here and there." Donnie held his hand as Casey taught him how to skate.

"So, just be careful." He made sure Donnie followed his movements so he wouldnt fall. "GAH-! CASEY!" Donnie yelped as his knees buckled. He quickly wrapped his arms around him.

"Sorry! It's so I don't...fall..." Donnie muttered, an awkward and dumb smile on his face. Casey didn't mind, though. "Ehh...its alright, gappy." Casey lifted him back on his feet.

"Do all turtles suck at ice-skating?" Casey asked, snickering. "Hmm, I don't know, HOW MANY TURTLES IN YOUR LIFE HAVE EVER SKATED?!" Donnie retorted. Casey threw his hands up in the air defensively, accidentally letting go of Donnie.

Donnie yelped, gripping onto Caseys shoulders. "SHIT...!" Casey yelped, before falling forewords and onto Donatello. Their gaze locks onto one another's, the cold wind breezing past them. The silence is palpable, Caseys dark brown eyes staring into Donnies rusty brown ones. Donnie lets out a sigh, his breath being caught in the wind. Casey interrupts the moment.

"Ah, sorry...'bout that D." He pulls away, although he didn't want to. Neither did Donnie. They both stood up, not daring to bring that moment up ever again.

But Casey felt something blossoming in his heart.

Feelings. Romantic, sappy feelings that made him feel like he swallowed an entire bag of sugar. Oh. Shit.

Casey gripped onto Donnie's waist. "See, you skate like that so ya don't fall." Casey said. Donnie's head was a blur. He could barely focus when Casey's hand was resting on his waist. I know, I know. cliché.

Donnie swallowed. "I...I think I got it Case. You can err...let go of me."


Casey said. His hand didn't budge. Donnie looked at him. Casey looked down at him, then wrapped him in a hug. Donnie almost slipped, but gripped onto Casey's hoodie. He smelled his familiar smell of 10 dollar cologne and a few tic-tacs.

"I wish I could hug you whenever I wanted, and not just when skating."

Casey whispered. Despite the fact it was freezing, Donnie's heart felt warm.

"...Same here, Case."

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