"Treating your wounds." Leo x GN!Reader (2012) 🫂

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TW: Mentions of S\H.

(A\N: This is more of a "comfort" chapter than a romantic chapter by the way.)

You were sitting on your bathroom floor, a disassembled pencil sharpener was in the trash can as you held the now covered in blood blade. Your hands were shaking, out of fear. Out of pain.

You thought you got better. The pain of the cuts stung as your tears dropped onto your now cut arm and thighs.

"Why can't I get better? Now matter how hard I try, I always end up going back to my old ways..." You think to yourself.

Suddenly, you hear a voice. Leo's voice. You barely had any time to react quick enough, you were still shaking.

Leo opens the bathroom door. "Hello..? Y\N? Are you in he-" He freezes. He saw your cuts, your tears, and the blade. You though you were going to get a lecture out of him, but no. He silently walked up to you, sat down, then wrapped his warm arms around you.

"Y\N...what made you snap this time..?" His tone was genuine and not mocking. You felt tears coming back. Eventually, you tell him. The stress, the family issues, the pressure, the bullying.

"Its like everyone is on my ass nowadays.." You mumble, tears still going down your face. You look up at him, your chin quivering. "I don't even know if anyone cares." Tears are running down, your voice breaking. Leo strokes your hair as you lay in his arms.

"I know it feels like that. I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you more than I should have. But..."
He looks down at you, a little teary-eyed himself. "You know I care about you. If you need to rant, I'm here. If you need to vent, I'm here. I always will be, Y\N." He whispered, still stroking your hair.

"I'm sorry if I burden you Leo." You whispered back, biting the inside of your lip. He looked at you.

"You will never burden me. Ever. I'm here, no matter what." Leo cooed, rubbing his hands on your back comfortingly. "Lets clean you up, alright...?"

You nodded. The two of you stood up as you sat on a stool as Leo got out a med kit and treated your wounds. You wince, anything that touched it stung like a bitch.

"It really hurts, Leo..."

"I know, I'm sorry."

Leo got out some bandages and placed them gently on all your cuts. He looked up at you.

"Y\N...You know I care about you, right?"

Leo asked, looking into your eyes.

"I...I know. I just doubt it sometimes."

Leo stand up.

"Well, you're all set. And...don't doubt it, please. I care about you so much, I can't afford to see you get hurt, or hurt yourself. Okay...?"

Leo placed his hand over yours.

"Okay. Thanks, Leo."

After the ordeal, you promised Leo that you'll try your best not to cut. Even when it was so tempting. Even when all you wanted to do was watch your blood spill out of your self-inflicted cuts to make it feel better, you promised with so much of your heart. He stayed for a bit longer, keeping an eye on you. You turned on a movie, and you both fell asleep on the couch together. The cuts still ached and burned, but not as bad as before.

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