"Something stupid like 'I love you.'" 🩵💙 (ROTTMNT) 🥀

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POV: Confession. That goes completely wrong.

     Its a cool, cold night in Manhattan. The stars shining above the city, the busy streets start to die down as shops close.

On a rooftop, there he is. Leonardo Hamato. No, he's not there to be on patrol, or slay a villain. But he sure is there for someone.

In his hands are a few meconopsis, Usagi's favorite type of flower. Fuck, Leo had a huge crush on Usagi. It was practically tooth-rotting. The way Usagi laughed, smiled, play-flirted, and just...everything.

Leo had fallen completely head-over-heels for that damn rabbit. You couldn't deny it. He would greet him with a hug always, holding his hand always...the list could go on for miles.

"Tonight...." Leo thought to himself. "Tonight is the night that I'll finally confess my love." Leo stood on the rooftop. Finally, the rabbit showed. Wearing a blue hoodie, he looked around the rooftop. It was decorated nicely, fairy lights, a blanket, his favourite snacks, and flowers.

"Uhh...hey Leon. Whats all this for?" Usagi chuckled nervously.

Leo grinned. "Well, carinõ...I have to confess something."

Usagi raised a brow. "With this set-up...I know damn well what you're gonna say."

Leo smiled, his gaze locking onto Usagis."I love you, Usagi. Not in a friend way, but in a romantic way."

Usagi took a deep breath. Should he say it? The set up was so pretty. This meant something to Leo. He barely puts any effort in microwave burritos, so this was a huge shock to Usagi. But still, he couldn't lie to himself for the sake of someone elses feelings.

"Leo, I-"

"You love me too-??" Leo asked cheerfully. He barely let Usagi finish. Usagi took a breath.

"No...it's that...I don't feel the same way."

Leo froze. He felt his heart sink in his chest, slowly cracking.


Leo was so confused! Usagi held his hand, he would let Leo hug him, and they were close..! It didn't make sense. Was he leading Leo on? For his wicked entertainment? No. He couldn't have. His voice sounded genuinely sorry when he rejected him. Then what was it? Leo couldn't wrap his head around it. Leo wanted Usagi to love him back. He really did. Hell, he needed it.

"...But..the hugging? The holding of hands! Hell, Usagi, we KISSED! AT A PARTY! YOU LET IT HAPPEN!"

Leo didn't want to raise his voice. He hated raising his voice. But with hot tears swelling in his eyes, his vision getting progressively blurrier, he couldn't have the energy to care. He just needed an explanation. It would make things so much easier.

"Leo...I know. please, please, please...don't be upset. I'm sorry...it's just that I don't feel we belong together. I get that we're basically 2 peas in a pod...but it won't work our for us. I know it won't. And...I like Donnie. I swear, you're one of my closest friends. But I can't see us being anything more."

Usagi poured out what he said. what he felt. He wasn't lying. he was best friends with Leo, thats for sure, but nothing more. His gaze was set on Leos twin, and nothing could change that. Leo was crushed. He felt stomped on. Like the world hated him, and was ridiculing him on stage while Leo stood speechless on the spotlight. Despite everything Leo wanted to say, what he wanted to rant about, he didn't snap.

"...Thats okay.  I...I get it."

Leo smiled, tears still pouring down his face. Usagi went over to him, wiping off Leos tears with his thumb. He couldn't just stand and watch any longer.

"I'm so glad that you understand. I'm gonna help you get through this. I'm so sorry, Leo."

Usagi whispered, holding Leo tight in his arms as he comforted him. Leo trembled, but also smiled a bit knowing Usagi did care for him. Usagi didn't want to lead him on like a puppet on strings. It gave Leo a sense of reassurance.

"I forgive you, Usagi."

Leo pulled away looking at Usagis brown eyes, a few tears still on his face.

"Promise me that we'll be friends, nothing will change?"

"I promise."

Usagi smiled, hugging him again.

"Good, and don't break Donnie's heart. Or else we really won't be friends." Leo said, grinning.

"All right, I won't. Thats another promise. I'll treat your brother like a prince"

Usagi said, resting his head on Leos shoulder. They sat down on the blanket, admiring the view of manhattan together. Leo knew his feelings won't go away.

But as a quiet promise to himself, he'll never ever say something stupid like I love you.

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