Chapter 6

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Harry watched the activity of the village with a slight frown. Galen and Griffin were in the field with the horses and unicorns. A group of kids were running around, conjuring little creatures made of glittery magic to chase their friends, conjured without wands. Erec and Felix were at the blacksmith where magic, again wandless, was being used to create what seemed to be arrows. Godric and Guinevere were talking as they slowly meandered down the road before being approached by a few kids around Harry's age. They seemed to ask something and cheered when Godric and Guinevere nodded with smiles. Salazar was at the building he'd learned was a goldsmith with a young woman he'd learned was Salazar's and Cecilia's third child, and Felix's twin, Penelope.

Penelope had a striking resemblance to Felix despite being fraternal twins. They shared the same slender frame, shorter stature, brown eyes, light brown hair though hers was kept in two long braids, and the soft kindness that was evident in Cecilia's features. She also had the same beauty that seemed to run through the entire Slytherin line. A main difference he could see was the excitable nature that lay beneath Penelope's surface while Felix had a much calmer aura. Penelope's nature was one he could see in Salazar though his was more an intense passion, not too different from Snape. He assumed Penelope's excitement likely came out in her work as a Crafter of magic and potions for the Wizards' Council, what he'd learned was the precursor to the Ministry of Magic.

He sighed as he watched the village exist around him, feeling lost in this world. He supposed it wasn't too different to how he felt back in their time and had felt his entire life.

"You have been awfully quiet the last few days."

Harry looked up, finding Snape standing next to where he sat on the front step, leaning against the wooden railing.

"Sorry," Harry said, a little dully.

"An apology is not necessary," Snape said and Harry watched the man lower himself to sit next to Harry on the step. "However, I would like to know what is on your mind."

Harry looked back out at the village, chewing his lip. It had been three days since they'd learned all about Morgan le Fay, the Deathly Hallows, and the ongoing war. He hadn't known what to think about it all, still didn't despite running it through his mind over and over. He no longer knew what he wanted to do despite having been so adamant about staying just days earlier. A part of him did want to stay and help, but he couldn't help but wonder what kind of help he could even be. This world was turning out to be vastly different than the one from which they came. He also wasn't sure he was willing or able to give up his life to yet another fate.

"Potter?" Snape pressed.

"When do I get to be me and live the way I want?" Harry said. "I'm sick of fate telling me and everyone who I am. It's never who I am."

"And who are you?" Snape asked.

Harry shrugged, looking down at his boots. "I'm not sure I know, really."

"Shall I tell you what I see?" Snape asked lightly.

"Somehow, I don't think I'm going to like this," Harry said and Snape smirked.

"I see a reckless child with far too much bravery and heart for his own good," Snape said and Harry rolled his eyes. "We get to decide who we are, Mr. Potter, no matter what fate may say."

Harry sighed and gazed out at the village again. "Maybe."

"Do you still wish for us to stay?" Snape asked.

"I'm not sure," Harry said.

"Really?" Snape said and Harry turned to him. "Were you not fighting to convince me to stay just a few days ago?"

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